#排球少年[超话]#出黑尾set 以下制品均为黑尾的 不不包不拆
缘日祭吧唧 干饭吧唧 旧制服吧唧 旧应援吧唧 玩水吧唧 旧油漆吧唧 旧秋冬吧唧 原画八弹成黑吧唧 新下校吧唧 jf麻将 day off杯垫 动武挂件 黑尾豆豆眼摆件(已拆摆)旧应援有凹旧秋冬和缘日祭有微锈
走平台无需提确 事儿妈别来 均收来价已自刀 只能发顺丰 不包邮 除豆豆眼和已发状态的吧唧其他制品状态均默认中古 因为我收来只换了袋子 一起500出不
基本都有原袋 拍下后都会发状态 事儿妈真的别来 豆豆眼的图片还没来得及拍 后面会补 提前感谢收物咪

In the wild, animals don't live and learn. They learn and live. Knowledge equals survival. Certain knowledge is innate, but most knowledge must be learned.
Like humans, the majority of species learn by observing their parents and others of their kind. This is known as social learning, and it's found across almost all species, whether they walk, fly, or swim. Young orcas learn from their elders the identity of their clan and how to hunt and travel. Land predators such as lions and wolves also learn essential hunting skills this way. Chimpanzees learn how to find shelter, care for their young, and find the best food.
Many essential life skills are passed from generation to generation through social learning. For example, certain species of whales give birth in the tropics, often fasting for months. They then migrate back to colder waters, where their feeding grounds are located. Their newborns accompany them, learning from their mothers a specific migration route that they will then follow for the rest of their lives. This journey can be remarkably long. Beluga whales, for example, travel more than 3,700 miles (6,000kilometers) every year, following ancestral migration routes passed down from mother to child.
Learned life skills ensure survival —of the individual and the species. It's not uncommon for parents and others in a particular animal group to teach their young through example how to find food or water when it becomes scarce because of drought or other environmental change, how to avoid or ward off predators, and how to adapt to harsh environments, including life-threatening cold and heat. Without this essential education, a young animal's life would be very short indeed.
Knowledge, both in humans and in other animals, depends on innovators to advance. Someone must move beyond the status quo to discover something new, then pass that new knowledge on to others.
Nature proves again and again that the passing on of important knowledge by various means isn't just a human trait. Without the knowledge of current and previous generations, many animal species would be unable to adapt and flourish. The consequence could be extinction

#任天堂[超话]# 《地球战争》
原:26 现:5

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