I know, I know I've let you down,
I've been a fool to myself,
I thought that I could live for no one else,
But now, through all the hurt and pain,
It's time for me to respect,
the ones you love mean more than anything,
So with sadness in my heart,
feel the best thing I could do,
Is end it all and leave forever,
What's done is done it feels so bad,
What once was happy now is sad,
I'll never love again my world is ending,
I wish that I could turn back time,
'Cause now the guilt is all mine,
Can't live without the trust from those you love,
I know we can't forget the past,
You can't forget love and pride,
Because of that it's killing me inside,
It all returns to nothing,
It all comes tumbling down,
Tumbling down, tumbling down,
It all returns to nothing,
I just keep letting me down,
Letting me down, letting me down,
In my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again,
I've lost everything, everything,
Everything that matters to me, matters in this world,
I wish that I could turn back time,
Cause now the guilt is all mine,
Can't live without the trust from those you love,
I know we can't forget the past,
You can't forget love and pride,
Because of that it's killing me inside,
It all returns to nothing,
It just keeps tumbling down,
Tumbling down, tumbling down,
It all returns to nothing,
I just keep letting me down,
Letting me down, letting me down.

#白鹿[超话]# bl#白鹿郑书意# bl#白鹿夏凤华#


Suddenly I couldn't sleep. Because when counting sheep. Suddenly there was a lamb. Stand up and say to me. Please pay attention. You have counted. Cooke


I miss you ... like the desert miss the rain

I am grateful to know, you enjoy your time any Moment, and so do I.

Family vacation's value is socialising and spending time with another.
Mandarin studies are totally anti-social in this setting. Although I could take me-time ... I feel every moment with Mum and Dad, sister and her offspring, as a blessing - so I participate.

Schedule start on tuesday, when I exclude myself fully.
So long I Focus on recharge myself and listening practice of tones and pronouncation...

"X . Q . J . .. Sh . Zh . Ch . R" we will become very familiar in time given.
At a certain progress, I will socialise with native Chinese people... That will be the turbo-boost for my skills.

Beginners make their Progress in basement issues

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