#福富月[超话]# [送花花] #福富月CRUUM代言人#

Billlie首张单曲专辑[side-B: memoirs of echo unseen] MEET&CALL EVENT PART.4

⏰截止日期D-1即将结束! ⏰


~11.24 11:59AM (韩国时间)

【TsukiRabbit Bubble翻译群❣️】https://t.cn/A6a5TxKf


“Luka Modric was superb for the home side as he belied his 38 years and pulled the strings in midfield, allowing them to control the tempo in the second half and create several other scoring chances that were spurned.”


“A magnificent pass from Modric launched a swift counter-attack in the second half and Budimir looked odds-on to score again from Mario Pasalic’s chip to the back post, but defender Nair Tiknizyan cleared the ball in the nick of time.”


“Modric was running the show and his inviting cross was almost turned into his own net by Andre Calisir, but Armenia goalkeeper Ognjen Cancarevic did superbly to claw the ball off his line.”



“But it was tense in Zagreb until midfielder Ante Budimir headed in Borna Sosa’s cross in the 43rd minute. The celebrations were tinged with relief for 38-year-old midfielder Luka Modric and a Croatia team that had 23 attempts on goal.”


I want everybody here to know that before October 7, P4l3st1n14ns were also treated horribly and inhumanely. P4l3st1n14ns were bombed in 2021, 2014, 2012, 2009! They continued to make the camp smaller and smaller to have more land. Why are P4l3st1n14ns living in a camp when it is their land?
How often would you let a bully bully you before you fight back? They are using gas to burn their skin. No food, no water. P4l3st1n14ns are limited to four hours of electricity each day. This is before October 7! They decide who P4l3st1n14ns marry when they marry. They determine where P4l3st1n14ns travel when they travel, and three different types of cards identify P4l3st1n14ns in categories. There are 300 checkpoints in just one part of town. To get past the checkpoint, men pull their pants down and take off their shirts!
They built a giant wall in between P4l3st1n14n . The Berlin Wall was not OK. Why is this wall? They blow up their boats if they go 3 miles past shore. What fish can you catch near shore? Nothing. It is pure occupation. Please do your research. The news will not give you the information you need; same with black lives, they left them in the dark... with the camps at the Mexican border. They left P4l3st1n14ns in the dark, and they're doing the same.
Most of P4l3st1n14n lived with the Jewish people side-by-side. It never was a problem until European Jews came and wanted P4l3st1n14n land! The same way America is apologizing for going into Iraq is the same way they will be apologizing for what they are doing to P4l3st1ne ! Some people think P4l3st1n14ns are fighting for them to have the land. This is so everybody can enjoy the land. Muslim, Catholic Christian, and Jewish! It is God's land. This is not a war. This is a totally genocide of innocent P4l3st1n14n

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