




자정에, 기척이 나
여든이 넘은 어머니가
한손으로 보행보조기를 잡고, 한 손으로 의자를 끌고
조금씩 천천히 내 머리곁으로 왔다

나는 깜짝 놀라 일어나 앉았다
고관절 대수술을 하고 나서부터
가족들은 모두 어머니가 또 넘어질까 봐 두려워한다

“너가 자다가 떨어질까 봐 걱정되어서 왔어”
어머니가 말했다

全京业 洪君植 译





By Yang, Ke

In the middle of the night, there was a loud noise
An eighty-year-old mother
used her walker and walked to me
Little by little, she approached my bed

I woke up and was shocked about it
Since mom had the hip surgery
The entire family was afraid of her falling again

"I'm afraid you'll fall out of bed while sleeping."
Mom said

诗华 译

@pongNawat [doge] old man, update your Weibo immediately update the real people who have no arms and no legs, otherwise the arms of actor 黄晓明Huang Xiaoming, he and his son 小海绵Sponge and his parents and his whole family, anyone and actress Yang Ying 杨颖Angelababy will be broken immediately, Otherwise, the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy will have their legs broken immediately, Otherwise, any part of the skin of actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and actress Yang Ying Angelababy and all the sons and daughters they have with actor Huang Xiaoming will immediately be burned beyond recognition by fire and sulfuric acid, Otherwise, the eyes of the actor Huang Xiaoming, his son Sponge, his parents and his family will be blind immediately, or the legs of the actor Huang Xiaoming, his son Sponge, his parents and his family and all the sons and daughters they give birth to will be broken immediately, and you will be in the hospital forever. Otherwise, the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy and all the sons and daughters they will have in the future will immediately become a blind person, Or the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy will immediately get all the advanced cancers in the world and immediately die, Otherwise the actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Xiao Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy will immediately be like the following people without arms and legs and disfigured, otherwise the actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Xiao Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy all of them will immediately be fulfilled, Otherwise the limbs of actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and his ex-wife Angelababy will be broken immediately, otherwise actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and actress Yang Ying Angelababy will be broken immediately, Otherwise, any part of the skin of the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Angelababy will immediately be burned beyond recognition by fire and sulfuric acid, Otherwise, the legs of the actor Huang Xiaoming, his son Xiao Sponge, his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy and the old woman Ye Ke, they and their whole family and all the sons and daughters they give birth to will be broken immediately, Otherwise the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Little Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy and all the sons and daughters they will have in the future will immediately have no limbs, Otherwise the actor Huang Xiaoming and his son Little Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy and their whole family and anyone and all the sons and all the sons and all the daughters and all the sons and all the daughters will never have limbs, Otherwise the actor huang xiaoming he and his son the small MianHe anyone his mom and dad and his family and actress Angelababy Angelababy and after they have all the son daughter all sons of two eyes will be blind soon, Otherwise the hands of actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Sponge and his parents and his whole family and the actress Yang Ying Angelababy and all the sons and daughters they will have will be broken immediately, otherwise the actor Huang Xiaoming he and his son Sponge and all the sons and daughters they will have in the future will have their eardrums and their throats, Otherwise, all the children born to actor Huang Xiaoming who live to be 10 years old will all immediately break their hands and feet and all immediately die

As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their options, it may be worth considering just how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider as they start the third stage of their educational journey.
undergraduate / ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət /
n. 大学本科生,大学肄业生
adj. 大学本科生的,大学肄业生的
educational / ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃən(ə)l /
adj. 教育的;有教育意义的
本句的主干是 it may be worth considering just how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider,其中 how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider 为 considering 的宾语从句。As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their options 和 as they start the third stage of their educational journey 为时间状语从句。
当最新一批学生填写本科申请表格,权衡各类选择时,学位的意义、目的和价值发生了什么样的变化,以及 Z 世代在开始他们教育旅程的第三阶段时需要考虑哪些问题,这些都是值得思考的。

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