#Chapter Five Summary#
Now for chapter five of John Boyne’s novel. This is the summary. It will help to make sure you understand the story and you don’t miss anything important.

In chapter five, Bruno confronts his father about Out-With and asks to go home. His father tells Bruno he has to accept Out-With as his new home.

#Summary notes#
- It’s revealed that Bruno’s father had traveled to Out-With alone a few days before the rest of the family.
- As they leave the Berlin house, Bruno sees his mother complaining about the Fuhrer. Maria, the maid, accidentally overhears her.
- Bruno’s mum tries to find an excuse for complaining about their leader. Maria tries to avoid talking about it.
- A car with two flags on the front takes them to the train station. They get on a comfortable train.
- At his new home, Bruno sees his father talking to five other soldiers.
- They tell him that the previous commandant was very inefficient. He jokes with them and asks them to leave so that he can deal with family matters.
- When the men leave, Bruno knocks on his father’s office door. There is no answer, so he enters.
- His father’s office is luxurious and impressive.
- He is glad to see Bruno. They shake hands.
- Bruno is quick to tell him that he doesn’t like the new house and he thinks they should go home.
- His father tells him to accept the new home.
- After a passionate discussion in which Bruno is unable to control his feelings, his father tells him to leave.
- Before leaving, he asks who the people are outside his bedroom window. (We met these people in the previous chapter – the prisoners of Auschwitz concentration camp.)
- His father says they are not really people, and he should not think about them.
- Bruno isn’t very satisfied with this answer, but he salutes ‘Heil Hitler,’ and exits. He doesn't actually know what 'Heil Hitler' means.

#Chapter Four Summary#
Now for chapter four of John Boyne’s novel. This summary will help you to understand the story and make sure you don’t miss anything important.

In chapter four, Gretel and Bruno look out of Bruno’s bedroom window and see a sad and hurt community of men and boys enclosed by a tall, barbed wire fence. They try to figure out where they are and who the people could be.

Summary notes
- The children see that the people living outside their window are not just children, as Bruno had initially thought, but also men.
- Gretel observes that there are no girls.
- We read a description of the whole view. Directly outside the window is a nice, big garden. There is a bench facing the house.
- 20 feet behind the bench is a very tall, metal, barbed wire fence.
- Inside the fenced area, the ground is sandy, and there are low, one-storey buildings.
- Bruno feels proud to have seen this place first, but they both agree that it’s a nasty place.
- They guess about where they are. Gretel suggests that they could be in the countryside. Bruno disagrees because there are no animals and the soil is poor. Gretel concedes that he is right.
- Gretel looks at the people inside the fence. They are standing side-by-side. They don’t look well. A soldier marches in front of them and shouts orders.
- Some of the men are working, pushing wheelbarrows.
- Many of the people are hurt. They have crutches and bandages.
- The children calculate that there could be thousands of people in this community.
- Bruno spots a group of children who are scared and following orders that a soldier shouts at them.
- Gretel notices that the people outside all look very dirty.
- Gretel returns to her room. She sits in shock.
- Finally, Bruno notices that all of the people outside are wearing striped pyjamas.

#The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas# This week we are reading chapter one of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne. Read it with us. Keep coming back here to find helpful information. We’re going to start the week with a summary. This will help to make sure you understand the story and you don’t miss anything important.[笑而不语]

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