#2024格莱美# #taylorswift# #billieeilish# 2024 年第 66 届格莱美获奖名单,人气歌手 Taylor Swift、SZA、Miley Cyrus、Billie Eilish 都分别入围超过五项以上大奖

年度歌曲 《What Was I Made For?》Billie Eilish

最佳流行歌手 《Flowers》Miley Cyrus

最佳流行演唱专辑 《Midnights》Taylor Swift

最佳流行团体/组合 《Ghost in the Machine》SZA feat. Phoebe Bridgers

最佳流行舞曲唱片 《Padam Padam》Kylie Minogue)

最佳乡村专辑 《Bell Bottom Country》Lainey Wilson

最佳乡村歌曲 《White Horse》Chris Stapleton

最佳乡村合作演唱 《I Remember Everything》Zach Bryan feat. Kacey Musgraves

最佳摇滚专辑 《This Is Why》Paramore

最佳摇滚歌曲 《Not Strong Enough》Boygenius

最佳摇滚演出 《Not Strong Enough》Boygenius

最佳R&B专辑 《Jaguar II》Victoria Monét

最佳当代R&B专辑 《SOS》SZA

最佳R&B歌曲 《SOS》SZA

最佳R&B演出 《ICU》Coco Jones

最佳饶舌专辑 《Michael》Killer Mike

最佳饶舌歌曲 《Scientists & Engineers》Killer Mike

最佳舞曲录制 《Rumble》Skrillex, Fred again.. & Flowdan

最佳都市音乐专辑 《Mañana Será Bonito》Karol G

最佳影视歌曲 《What Was I Made For?》Billie Eilish

Daydreaming about oppa by the window, and fantasize sweet romantic things to do with Oppa❤❤❤
Imagine future with Oppa☺☺
And think about sweet love words to say to Oppa now hehe❤❤❤☺☺
If only Oppa were here, i will kiss and hug Oppa so tight ❤❤
And being so spoiled and clingy, lying in your arms and just cuddle with Oppa
But the thoughts of Oppa and the love in my heart for Oppa alrready hug me so warm ❤❤
Bring light to my darkest world ❤
Like the first ray of sunshine, Oppa came to my life ❤❤☀️
How beautiful it is to see the blue ocean and the colorful sunrise sky ❤❤❤
But all i see is Oppa ❤❤
Suddenly i miss Oppa so much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I don't care whether the Sun rises or not, my days starts with Oppa ❤❤❤
Oppa, may Oppa start your day with happiness and love ❤❤
Aaaaawwww my handsome Oppa ❤❤❤❤
how are your feeling this morning, baby? ❤❤
May your morning be as bright as your smile, darling ❤
have a high spirit.
aja aja fighting ❤❤❤
aww uri oppa looks so fine and handsome this morning..
ahh those beautiful eyes and cute dimple..❤❤
my handsome hubby, my passionate man❤
hwaiting for today's activities, my love.❤
be happy always, oppa ❤
don't get hurt, baby ❤❤❤❤
My husband is so handsome and charming. ❤
And so manly ❤❤☺☺
My heart always smiles seeing you, Oppa ❤❤
Oppa always bring a cool breeze
oppa conquered my heart.
I'm drowning in your charm☺❤❤
I'm beyond proud of oppa. ❤❤
very very proud. ❤❤❤❤
I'm so in love with a very amazing man. ❤
what can't he do?☺❤❤
why is he so charming?❤❤
he is very handsome, his eyes are very beautiful, his smile is charming, he is very cool, and charismatic, he is also cute and funny sometimes.❤❤❤❤
oppa is the coolest man on earth ❤❤
oppa is so charismatic. and so shining.❤✨
oppa is the most shining star in the sky❤✨
Good morning, my precious love, my life, my everything, my handsome husband❤❤
I wish Oppa a beautiful morning, warm tasty breakfast, and peaceful time ❤❤❤
May Oppa woke up feel so fresh and recharged
I hope Oppa had a good and lovely sleep
Have a healing morning time, Oppa ❤️❤️
Enjoy your day to the fullest, Oppa
Have a happy day, baby ❤❤❤
I hope your day is full of happy and sweet moments, Oppa❤❤❤
Stay healthy, Oppa ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Take care, my love❤❤
Eat well, baby❤❤❤
Eat warm and delicious food, my hubby ❤❤
Stay safe, Oppa ❤❤
Be careful wherever you go, Oppa❤️
Be careful of the slippery road, my love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have fun, baby❤
Oppa, fighting ❤❤
Cheer up, my husband ❤❤❤
I love Oppa sooooooooo much ❤❤❤❤
I love Oppa till my last breath ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kiss Oppa ❤❤

The Ritz Bar & Lounge Presents on February 14
Initiated by our Executive Chef, Chia Jue Xian, this Valentine’s Day takes a unique turn. Chef Xian’s philosophy stands out: “Just because it’s Valentine’s Day, doesn’t mean everyone needs to have or to be with their significant other’. Embracing this perspective, he introduces a food and drink pairing package specially tailored for those who are single on Valentines’ Day. Why not swap date night for an oyster and martini pairing? Experience live-shucked oysters, guaranteeing the freshest taste, while our Head of Mixologist Nariman, crafts martinis with an intentional extra kick to ensure an unforgettable evening, celebrating the joy of life and luxury of being yourself.

SET A: A dozen Oyster + 2 Glasses of Martinis Priced at RMB 538
SET B: A dozen Oyster + Free Flow of Martinis Priced at RMB 888
Open Daily 营业时间:09.00am – 12.00am
Level 1, The Portman Ritz-Carlton

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