1. man of the world 阅历丰富饱经世故的人;
2. man of letters 文人、作家、学者;
3. man of his word 守信用的人、说话算数的人;
4. man of God 先知、圣人;
5. man of means 有钱人、财主;
6. man of many parts 多才多艺的人;
7. man of few words 沉默寡言的人;
8. Time and tide wait for no man 时不我待;
9. the man of the moment 当前的风云人物;
10. man's best friend 狗狗;
11. take it like a man 像男人一样坚强地承受;
12. One man's meat is another man's poison/One man's trash is another man's treasure萝卜青菜,各有所爱

再发一条今日份自拍 然后我就先下播了 我明早六点半起来~~ 回应董宇辉昨天的 是“宇辉同行”账号上发送的 但是我看他刚才又唱歌了啊 可能缓和一下气氛吧 毕竟还做生意呢 我不是要做生意的嘛 所以我明天说~~~ 好的 那今天就这样 然后易咪咪 你那边儿找一号找多了 我还是会找黑色找回去的哦 暂时还好啦 因为董宇辉那边儿比较重 不过人家都回了 明天再说吧 不剧透了 明天看节目~~ 我也得上节目了 宇辉同行那儿刚上联欢会了 那我作为一位(优质)作秀人 哈哈哈哈 我也做点节目 哈哈哈 好的 那明天六点半见 先说这么多 易咪咪 你那块要是找一号找的多了 我还是会找回来的哦 我就说一下~~ 不过也还好啦 就随便你啦 爱易咪咪 爱二老公 爱香菜 艾路威 爱艾路威 香菜 爱大家咪 爱韩国咪 爱每一位咪 还大爱董宇辉咪哈 我明天说~~ 嗯 好的 那今天先这样~~ 祝大家龙年大吉 龙腾虎跃~~~ 我明天早起说 + 明天看中医 那我就先下啦 安安咪 亲亲咪 香香咪~~~ ☁️☁️☁️

Okayyy I’m signing off right now cause it’s 11 already and I’m supposed to sign off at 10 every night ,,, I will be up at 6:30 tmr to take care of business one last time for a good while with the Chinese TikTok business and then we will repost really really good I promise but then Chinese new year is like on Thursday darnnnn it so fast ,,, I didn’t even prepare ,,,, busy AF on this !!!! Dual ball lifestyle ,,,, ahhhhh anyways I need to connect with y’all better for sure,,, thank you Apple for connecting in today ,;; I’ll repost you tmr and so many of you tooo I stilll owe people a great deal so let me handle this business right for the last time for a good while so we can do ours really really good ,,, anyways I love you all so so much I will try to invite you all into the Chinese new year celebration so all can feel like they are part of the lunar new year and it is the year of the dragon ,,, everything on this channel I want it to be dual phased bipartisanship for the benefit of both so for every holiday such as the Halloween thanksgiving or Christmas the Chinese get to enjoy with us ,,, and for the Chinese new year y’all get to spend it with the Chinese too so it’s all a big family on this yahhhh,,, everybody is with love and mutual understanding and I’m going to sleep right now cause I have to get up at 6:30 tmr and then I will also have to go to the Chinese doctor tmr because it’s raining too hard today so the doctor changed the time to tmr and I also have to go back to the motel tmr to let them know this week I would be at my mom’s cause it’s Chinese new year and raining so I’m not going to stay at the motel this week but going back to let them know tmr cause I have to report if I’m not going back ,,, omgoshhh my mom is so annoying she’s never believing my job and always putting me down and everything I say she doesn’t believe it cause she thinks it’s crazy and questions if I will have money coming in and if I don’t bring in money this year still I will have to work somewhere else cause our family needs money ,,, she’s giving me the pressure again ,,,, always annoying and never believing what I say because she always think she’s right or the parents think they are right ,,,, arrrrghhhh need to stuff their mouth with all the money I can get ,,, but yahhh I really need to get money so thank y’all for helping me heart heart heart love love love see y’all tmr night all my lovessss

Kane Ishiyone, 28, has loved Swift since 2009 – to the point she learned English to understand the song lyrics. After Swift announced her Eras Tour, which had its first show in March 2023 and will continue through December 2024, Ishiyone quit her job so she could move about more freely and attend more Eras concerts.
This week, she traveled from her home in Fukuoka, in southwestern Japan, to Tokyo for the concert – for which she has bought tickets to all four nights. She, like many fans, has planned four different outfits for each night, corresponding to certain albums or “eras” by Swift.
To date, she has attended more than 20 concerts in eight cities – and is already planning future trips to Germany, Austria and the Netherlands to attend Swift’s shows there.

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