Eugène Delacroix
Falaises à Dieppe
Vers 1834
12.8 x 16.8 cm
Aquarelle sur papier

In 1832, Delacroix made a trip to Morocco, which gave him a personal experience of the ancient Roman era and influenced the use of color in his paintings. It is often overlooked the role that Normandy played in his youth. He visited Normandy from 1813 to 1860. Trees, buildings, cliffs, waves and so on are concentrated in Dieppe. He painted both Morocco and Normandy during his career. We can find traces of Normandy in many watercolors, as well as related themes in pen-and pencil, watercolor and pastel works, which were first photographed in nature and then painted in the studio. He wrote in his diary in 1857: "When we cast our gaze upon the objects around us, whether landscape or interior, we notice that there is a connection between the objects which is produced by the atmosphere. The atmosphere that surrounds them and the various reflections that result from it make all objects a harmonious scene." His understanding ofatmospheric reflection led him to blur the Outlines of objects in his paintings. This is the core technique for painting objects in lmpressionist paintings.

Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947)
Le bassin des Yachts à Deauville
Vers 1910
40 x 49 cm
Huile sur toile

Bonnard was a French painter, illustrator, and printmaker known for his stylized decorations and bold use of color. He specialises in landscapes, urban scenes, portraits and intimate family scenes. Pay special attention to background, color and painting style. He was a founding member of the Nabi School and a leading figure in the transition from lmpressionism to modernism. Bonnard is known for his color and is regarded as one of the greatest color painters of the 20th century. His greatest artistic feature is that he does not simply imitate nature, but subjectively deals with the depicted objects through the exploration of painting elements such as space, light, color and composition.
Bonnard met Monet in Villnon in 1912. He did not fully embrace open landscapes, preferring gardens instead. No matter what the subject, he first tries to capture scattered light and shadow and arrange it on a slanted easel. In "Marina de Deauville," Bonnard does not present this theme from the side, but rather integrates it into a conceived model that conforms to psychology. The water, the ships, the masts, the hills and the bell tower together form a moonlit night, which is naturally brought together. The vertical arrangement of the elements respects the planar space of the pattern. The blue color cleverly unifies the picture, while the white side of the boat gives the picture a sense of rhythm. In addition, brown lines are used on the deck and outline of the boat to reflect the structure of the picture.

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【智利当局怀疑林火源于人为 博里奇:将严查严惩】智利总统博里奇(Gabriel Boric)2月6日再次前往遭林火持续肆虐的瓦尔帕莱索大区(R.de Valparaíso),并提到,当局有理由怀疑,本轮林火灾情由蓄意纵火引起。



同日,智利内政部长卡罗琳娜·托哈(Carolina Tohá)接受采访时同样提到,瓦尔帕莱索大区本轮林火可能是蓄意纵火引起,大火烧毁约1.4万栋房屋。

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