I kept silence when they talked about some travel memories; I slowed down my steps and left myself far behind when they are holding hands; I sit alone or with some strangers when taking trains. It is alright because those were what I should do.

But in my heart I'd also like to say: “if the spring comes, this place must be gorgeous. Could we come here in the blooming season?” I never spoke out because I know I won’t be his first one in line to consider.

I am really happy when I laughed, but I don’t know if I become the traveling lubricant and ease their stressful relationship. Maybe In the end of the story we went to other more countries together again, they live a happy life after and I am out forever.

That will be too tragic.


the weather is still good and the sky becomes clear at night again~
hahahah [哈哈][good]

i did the meditation for about 50 minutes today, and i did something different this time, i called my twin babies and my twinflame, but not all at once.
the first time i tried to call out my twin babies, and i did feel that i looked into their eyes directly, which means i didn't see how they look like, and even though i closed my eyes when mediation, it felt like so real that i saw them through my eyelids, and i saw the light, but i didn't do/ say anything particularly, and i did it the same to my twinflame, still nothing particularly happened, however i started to recall some memories that happened in my dreams previously, in those dreams my twinflame always looked so joyful when seeing me, like a little hopping bird or deer, innocent and you can tell that his mind and heart is completely full of me and being so simply joyous to have me around him, and try his best to treat me nice, and this is so sweet and always makes my heart melt.

i've been feeling weak since got up, it feel like being punched by my stomach continuously, or like vacuuming the air from my stomach that i become short of breath.
and occasionally i had heart palpitations and premature heartbeats, but i am fine.

i like my dinner, i love corns, just two of them were kinda over ripe that their texture became a little too chewy, but they're fresh and sweet, still tasty~
and i cooked two different fishes, because i feel weak and i think fish soup might be good for me?
and the tomato, sweet~
overall, i got full, warm, and satisfied~
and right, i also had two bites of a bread i bought yesterday, strawberry flavor, i will show you tomorrow~
hahahah [哈哈][干饭人][awsl]

an airplane is flying by now (00:16 am) and earlier i heard one flying by as well at 11:16pm~

so far?
then good night and love~

He once said, "In addition to looking flat or looking up, we should often look down, look down the suffering and disease, look down at the corners and cracks. As far as we can see is that in addition to the flourishing scene, there should also be warmth and coldness in the world. He showed me the depth and breadth of thought that I could not have imagined for a new era youth at the age of 23. I was deeply impressed with him and attracted to him, so I followed him.
他曾说:“我们眼睛里除了平视或仰视,更应该经常俯视,俯视疾苦和病痛,俯视角落和夹缝。我们眼中看到的,除了繁花盛景,还应该有世间冷暖 。”他让我看到了,新时代的青年在23岁我所无法想象的思想深度与思维广度,我深深为其所折服,故我追随他

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