#日常##鞠婧祎仙剑奇侠传四##美妆[超话]#Beauty is a matter of self-assessment and the following five characteristics are said to be common among beautiful women. Jujin Yi has proven herself with these features, which include: getting dense hair by limiting dyeing or perming her hair as well as avoiding bleaching it; using shampoo that produces lather before applying to the scalp in order to avoid baldness warnings! Always use conditioner and hair oil after washing your hair. Before bedtime, massage your head with an air cushion comb for at least fifteen times. Choose a suitable shampoo based on your own hair type so as to prevent damage done to your hair through excessive washing. Ensure you get enough sleep every night, maintain regular sleeping hours, improve quality of sleep and promote metabolism within skin and hair. Wash your hair with warm water instead of hot since high temperature can destroy sebum while warm water helps blood circulation.”

Muccia Prada的Vogue封面专题还挺精彩的,作为文化人姨的金句张口就来,随便选几个你们品一品。
“I want culture to be attractive.”
“Fashion is one third of my life.”
“fashion is a little small thing, I think: Get dressed in the morning, and afterwards you do something else.”
Fashion is a representation of one’s vision of the world. Because otherwise, I think fashion is useless.”
“当他们说你在赞助文化时,我说,‘不,我们想成为创造文化的一部分。’这不是金钱的问题,而是将人们聚集在一起共同努力, 提出方案、解决问题。”
 “When they say you are sponsoring culture, I say, ‘No—we want to be part of creating culture.’ It’s not about money—it’s about bringing together efforts, people; proposing and finding solutions.” 
“I am better at working than talking,”
“every single morning I have to decide if I am a 15-year-old girl or an old lady near to death.” 

诺曼·洛克威尔 (Norman Rockwell) 是一位杰出的美国画家,以其温暖而细致地捕捉日常生活和美国价值观的插图而闻名,主要为《周六晚邮报》工作。他的作品具有标志性且永恒。

模板:Norman Rockwell's oil painting depicting [subject/description], in a [place], [lighting], [angle], with vivid and harmonious colors, precise and detailed strokes

Norman Rockwell's oil painting depicting a superhero mending broken toys at a children's hospital, in a softly lit playroom filled with hopeful faces, under the gentle indoor lighting, from an angle that captures both the superhero's focus and the children's expressions, with vivid and harmonious colors, precise and detailed strokes --ar 16:9 --s 250 --v 6.0

Norman Rockwell's oil painting depicting a superhero mending broken toys at a children's hospital, in a softly lit playroom filled with hopeful faces, under the gentle indoor lighting, from an angle that captures both the superhero's focus and the children's expressions, with vivid and harmonious colors, precise and detailed strokes --ar 16:9 --s 250 --v 6.0

Norman Rockwell's oil painting depicting a boy fishing on a lazy river, in the countryside, soft morning lighting, an over-the-shoulder angle, with vivid and harmonious colors, precise and detailed strokes --ar 16:9 --s 250 --v 6.0

Norman Rockwell's oil painting depicting a young girl at a lemonade stand, on a bright, sunny suburban sidewalk, under the high noon sun casting sharp shadows, side angle, , with vivid and harmonious colors, precise and detailed strokes --ar 16:9 --s 250 --v 6.0

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