kemper哄mullin时,精准道出mullin在现场的所见所思,被mullin质疑你又不在那里,你怎么会知道,kemper这句“I know. I was there on my own trip.”这一幕的时空交叠真的很会说。
des则是擅于抒情,作为killing for company的类型,他和dahmer非常像,两人也说过非常多类似的话,但des的表达总是更浪漫。印象特别深的是dahmer说 I created this horror and it only makes sense I do everything to put an end to it, 而des说 I caused dreams which caused death, this is my crime,他写自传都是history of a drowning boy。



主講導師 :美國哈佛大學心理學教授 沙哈爾

……And we sway and we are moved around by the winds of change you know cod omron our financials our friend our job whatever it is the winds of change uncertainty and were no longer rooted or we don't feel rooted and it's very difficult to grow roots In times of uncertainty but what is possible to do is not to grow roots but to throw an anchor or rather anchors something that we do regularly consistently Time and time again and the fact that we're doing it over and over again consistently provides us with some sense of stability anchor may be my gym sessions that i go to every monday wednesday friday and by having anchored and curse because he doesn't have to be wonderful but that does for us is……

……With the changing world will be uncertain world it comes us down this is why for children it's so important to have rituals whether it's the bedtime ritual that is the same we're very similar every day because you know for children in the world is changing all the time and there are changing so they need that stability during times of certainty we feel stable We are rooted but then we're uprooted and we sway and we are moved around by the winds of change cod omron our financials our friends our job whatever it is the winds of change uncertainty and were no longer rooted or we don't feel rooted and it's very difficult to then grow roots In times of uncertainty which what is possible to do is not to grow roots but to throw an anchor or rather anchors something that we do regularly consistently Time and time again ……And curse because he doesn't have to be wonderful what that does for us is it provides us a sense of stability a sense of familiarity and that helps us deal with the changing world with the uncertain world comes down this is why for children in it's so important to have rituals whether it's the bedtime ritual that is the same or very similar every day because you know for children in the world is changing all the time and are changing So they need that stability During times of certainty we feel stable you feel like we are rooted but then we were uprooted and we sway and we are moved around by the winds of change you know cod omron our financials our friend our job whatever it is their winds of change uncertainty and were no longer rooted or we don't Feel rooted and it's very difficult to then grow roots in times of……Usually consistently time and time again and the fact that we're doing it over and over again consistently provides us With some sense of stability anchor may be my gym sessions that i go to every monday wednesday friday and by having anchored anchors because it doesn't have to be wonderful force What that does for us is it provides us a sense of stability a sense of familiarity and that helps us deal with the changing world with the uncertain world it uses down this is why for children and it's so important to have rituals whether it's the bedtime ritual that is the same or very similar every day because you know for children the world is changing all the time and there are changing so they need that stability During times of certainty we feel stable you feel like we're

……Is the winds of change uncertainty and we're no longer rooted or we don't feel rooted and it's very difficult to grow roots In times of uncertainty but what is possible to do is not to grow roots but to throw an anchor or rather anchors something that we do regularly consistently Time and time again and the fact that we're doing it over and over again consistently provides us With some sense of stability anchor may be maya and gym sessions that i go to every monday wednesday friday and by having anchored curse because it doesn't have to be one of forced what that does for us is it provides us a sense of stability a sense of familiarity and that helps us ……

(黃雨喬:我也非常感恩互聯網 ,我也得到了互聯網的紅利 通過互聯網我有幸參加了美國哈佛大學心理學課程 ,我本人就是不太喜歡英語課 ,因為講英語的人講話可能有點啰嗦 重複來重複去 ,而我本人的英文水平是零 ,聽教授講課只能看翻譯 ,最後我本人還是很感恩 沙哈爾老師 !關於教授講的課的很多線上課程的是不能公開的 ,我們班主任邹老師 也提醒過我 ,所以我也只能報告一些可以公開的內容 )。

Muccia Prada的Vogue封面专题还挺精彩的,作为文化人姨的金句张口就来,随便选几个你们品一品。
“I want culture to be attractive.”
“Fashion is one third of my life.”
“fashion is a little small thing, I think: Get dressed in the morning, and afterwards you do something else.”
Fashion is a representation of one’s vision of the world. Because otherwise, I think fashion is useless.”
“当他们说你在赞助文化时,我说,‘不,我们想成为创造文化的一部分。’这不是金钱的问题,而是将人们聚集在一起共同努力, 提出方案、解决问题。”
 “When they say you are sponsoring culture, I say, ‘No—we want to be part of creating culture.’ It’s not about money—it’s about bringing together efforts, people; proposing and finding solutions.” 
“I am better at working than talking,”
“every single morning I have to decide if I am a 15-year-old girl or an old lady near to death.” 

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