继续搜索该机构的名称,可以确定H&H In­t­e­r­n­at- io­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt,LLC是段永平先生控制的投资公司
H&H In­t­e­r­n­a­t­i­o­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt, LLC is a la­r­ge ad­v­i­s­o­ry fi­rm ba­s­ed in Me­n­lo Pa­rk. It ma­n­a­g­es $920.05 mi­l­l­i­on of re­g­u­l­a­t­o­ry as­s­e­ts for 3 cl­i­e­nt ac­c­o­u­n­ts. It has be­en re­g­i­s­t­e­r­ed wi­th the SEC as an ad­v­i­s­er si­n­ce 2018 and has op­e­r­a­t­ed in the ju­r­i­s­d­i­c­t­i­on of Ca­l­i­f­o­r­n­ia.
H&H In­t­e­r­n­a­t­i­o­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt pr­o­v­i­d­es po­r­t­f­o­l­io ma­n­a­g­e­m­e­nt for in­d­i­v­i­d­u­a­ls and sm­a­ll bu­s­i­n­e­s­s­es. It do­e­sn't pr­o­v­i­de fi­n­a­n­c­i­al pl­a­n­n­i­ng
se­r­v­i­c­es to its cl­i­e­n­ts. On top of ad­v­i­s­o­ry se­r­v­i­c­es, the fi­rm do­e­sn't en­g­a­ge in ot­h­er bu­s­i­n­e­ss ac­t­i­v­i­t­i­es.
The co­m­p­a­ny em­p­l­o­ys 2 pe­o­p­le th­at are ei­t­h­er pa­rt- or fu­ll-ti­me em­p­l­o­y­e­es.50 pe­r­c­e­nt of the em­p­l­o­y­e­es wo­rk as in­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt ad­v­i­s­e­rs or re­s­e­a­r­c­h­e­rs. On­ly one em­p­l­o­y­ee is re­g­i­s­t­e­r­ed as an in­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt ad­v­i­s­er re­p­r­e­s­e­n­t­a­t­i­ve wi­th the st­a­te se­c­u­r­i­t­i­es au­t­h­o­r­i­t­i­es.
Th­e­re isn't an­y­o­ne wi­th the ro­le of lo­o­k­i­ng for and br­i­n­g­i­ng in new cl­i­e­n­ts on be­h­a­lf of the fi­rm. The fi­rm do­e­sn't co­m­p­e­n­s­a­te em­p­l­o­y­e­es in ad­d­i­t­i­on to the sa­l­a­ry for br­i­n­g­i­ng in new cl­i­e­n­ts. Em­p­l­o­y­e­es don't re­c­e­i­ve co­m­p­e­n­s­a­t­i­on fr­om ot­h­er en­t­i­t­i­es for cl­i­e­nt re­f­e­r­r­a­ls.#基金[超话]##财经##股票##投资#

德国工作头部新能源企业Star Charge德国诚聘投标、物流和备件管理人才,工作地点近Frankfurt

Star Charge, a brand by WanBang Digital Energy, is the largest CPO in China and one of the global leading providers for advanced IoT equipment and solutions for electric charging infrastructure.

As an Asian digital energy unicorn, we are now co-building the world’s mobile energy network ecosystem with over 60 Top OEMs (such as Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen), covering more than 300 countries/cities. During the rapid expansion in Asian and European markets, Star Charge has received huge investment from Schneider Electric and the Chinese CICC Capital’s sub-fund, which showed the market’s solid confidence for Star Charge.
Raunheim, Germany(near Frankfurt)

1. Tender Specialist
We are seeking to find thriving candidates which want to join us and propel our electrification journey in Europe.

As a Tender Specialist, you will play a key role in co-leading the tender process, from identifying and qualifying opportunities to submitting proposals and addressing commercial topics pre-and post-tender award. You will collaborate closely with our Sales division to drive growth and achieve the company's commercial targets.

2. Spare Parts Specialist
We are looking for a reliable Spare parts Manager/Specialist to be responsible for the overall supply chain management. Spare Parts Manager/Specialist responsibilities include organizing and monitoring storage and distribution of spare parts. The goal is to manage the entire order cycle so as to enhance business development and ensure sustainability and customer satisfaction.

3. Logistics Specialist
We are looking for a reliable Logistics Specialist to be responsible for the overall supply chain management. Logistics Specialist responsibilities include organizing and monitoring storage and distribution of goods. The goal is to manage the entire order cycle so as to enhance business development and ensure sustainability and customer satisfaction.

Ms. Celine Hong
#德国工作机会[超话]##职场##招聘##德国工作##德国##欧洲##留学##在德国插队##在德国工作##你有被解雇的经历吗# https://t.cn/zRw53A1

Former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants will likely need to come up with the full judgment of $355 million ordered by Judge Arthur Engoron Friday, with potentially more in interest, in order to move forward with an appeal, sources familiar with the matter have confirmed to CNN.
Those sources explained that this is the typical procedure required by the law, though some of the details, including the total amount to be frozen, could change.
Trump and his lawyers said Friday they intend to appeal the decision.
That money will be held in an account pending the appellate process, which could take years to litigate.
The 9% interest Judge Engoron ordered Trump and his company to pay on the nearly $355 million judgment will continue to accrue until it’s paid per the order.
Typically, the state requires a notice of appeal within 30 days of the judgment.

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