Ⅳ Rewrite each of the following sentences using the expressions given in the brackets.

1.“Can you come tomorrow for the meeting?”“Yes.”(all right)
“Can you come tomorrow for the meeting?”“All right.”

2. Two months later, the patient became better through his own efforts.(under one's own power)
Two months later, the patient became better under his own power.

3. John went on with his homework until it was done.(stay with)
John stayed with his homework until it was done.

4. They are going to marry next week; the splendid day is coming. (at hand)
They are going to marry next week; the splendid day is at hand.

5. It is important to avoid rush hours, because we can save a lot of precious time.(of importance)
It is of importance to avoid rush hours, because we can save a lot of precious time.

6. We are sure to come across difficulties when we try to finish the work in such a short time.(meet with)
We are sure to meet with difficulties when we try to finish the work in such a short time.

7. I was reading when the fire broke out. Oh, while I think of it, the book was The Last Days of Pompeii (《庞贝城的末日》).(by the way)
I was reading when the fire broke out. By the way, the book was The Last Days of Pompeii.

8. You ought to be more careful about the quality of these various goods.(pay attention to)
You ought to pay more attention to the quality of various goods.


Ⅴ Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets.

1. https://t.cn/RyhYY6Z


Kindness is a person's last defense. Come to the world, the final bullet will be light, but there is good in the heart, you can fear the wind and snow. It's a guaranteed strength of character. The worst life is early bullets, and finally even their own goodness is stripped away, which is really being eaten dry and wiped clean. There are many times, the world is so sad. A man has suffered greatly, but not at all, because the last vestibule of goodness has been stripped away.

Karl Daubigny
Le ramassage du varech à Villerville
65 x 115 cm
Huile sur toile

When Dubini was a child, he began to study Dubini's style of painting with his famous father, Charles-Francois Dubini. This style is somewhere between the classicism of the Barbizon-sur-Oise School and the extremely expressive landscapes captured in the Normandy region. As a son, it is not easy to break away from his father's painting style and show his own style. He exhibited in official salons at the age of 17. On the beaches of Normandy, different expressions of the painter were displayed. People are seen fishing on foot in the mud, slimy kelp is scattered, and huge rocks from the landslide lie on the beach. All this is not to cater to people's imagination, to attract capitalists to the seaside pleasure, but the painter's understanding. But in reality, the opposite is true and the beach is still packed with holidaymakers.

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