主講導師 哈佛大學心理學教授 :泰勒.沙.哈爾

……The first 我們來開始第一段 Exert number eight The highest excellence is like that of water 上善若水 the excellence of water appears in benefiting all thing。s And he is cue without below which all men 利萬物而不爭 處眾人之所惡 不給於道 Hence its way is near to that of the顧及遇到……

……Of the excellence of water appears in benefit all things and occupying without striving to the contrary the race which all had a slack Hence its way is near to that of the town 上善若水 水善利萬物而不爭 處眾人之所惡 故幾於道 This brief treasure this golden sm The essence of extra ordinary leadership而這一段的智慧在我看來完美的詮釋了什麼是好的領導力 You see for many years The greatest minds have
That captures the essence of extra ordinary leadership 古往今來無數的研究 無數的人們都在探討到底造就好的領導力的那個關鍵因素是什麼 What they were talking political leadership or whether we're talking
What is the essence of the great leadership 不管我們是在探討政治還是商業 還是家族領導力 And there have been many possibilities that very smart intelligent brilliant people entertained over the ears about what it tastes to be an extra ordinary leader 很多人做了無數個研究 也有很多有意思的結論 到底是什麼東西鑄造了好的領導者
Robert green leaf came up with solution 1970年代呢 這位教授有一個很有意思的結論 East and west he looked at the modern research east and west And to the following understanding 他看遍了古今中外的各種研究 得出了這樣一個結論 The understanding that the extraordinary leaders see themselves as servants 這個結論就是最傑出的領導者其實是把自己看成是服務者 He coined the term servant leadership 他創造了服務型 領導力……

继续搜索该机构的名称,可以确定H&H In­t­e­r­n­at- io­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt,LLC是段永平先生控制的投资公司
H&H In­t­e­r­n­a­t­i­o­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt, LLC is a la­r­ge ad­v­i­s­o­ry fi­rm ba­s­ed in Me­n­lo Pa­rk. It ma­n­a­g­es $920.05 mi­l­l­i­on of re­g­u­l­a­t­o­ry as­s­e­ts for 3 cl­i­e­nt ac­c­o­u­n­ts. It has be­en re­g­i­s­t­e­r­ed wi­th the SEC as an ad­v­i­s­er si­n­ce 2018 and has op­e­r­a­t­ed in the ju­r­i­s­d­i­c­t­i­on of Ca­l­i­f­o­r­n­ia.
H&H In­t­e­r­n­a­t­i­o­n­al In­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt pr­o­v­i­d­es po­r­t­f­o­l­io ma­n­a­g­e­m­e­nt for in­d­i­v­i­d­u­a­ls and sm­a­ll bu­s­i­n­e­s­s­es. It do­e­sn't pr­o­v­i­de fi­n­a­n­c­i­al pl­a­n­n­i­ng
se­r­v­i­c­es to its cl­i­e­n­ts. On top of ad­v­i­s­o­ry se­r­v­i­c­es, the fi­rm do­e­sn't en­g­a­ge in ot­h­er bu­s­i­n­e­ss ac­t­i­v­i­t­i­es.
The co­m­p­a­ny em­p­l­o­ys 2 pe­o­p­le th­at are ei­t­h­er pa­rt- or fu­ll-ti­me em­p­l­o­y­e­es.50 pe­r­c­e­nt of the em­p­l­o­y­e­es wo­rk as in­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt ad­v­i­s­e­rs or re­s­e­a­r­c­h­e­rs. On­ly one em­p­l­o­y­ee is re­g­i­s­t­e­r­ed as an in­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt ad­v­i­s­er re­p­r­e­s­e­n­t­a­t­i­ve wi­th the st­a­te se­c­u­r­i­t­i­es au­t­h­o­r­i­t­i­es.
Th­e­re isn't an­y­o­ne wi­th the ro­le of lo­o­k­i­ng for and br­i­n­g­i­ng in new cl­i­e­n­ts on be­h­a­lf of the fi­rm. The fi­rm do­e­sn't co­m­p­e­n­s­a­te em­p­l­o­y­e­es in ad­d­i­t­i­on to the sa­l­a­ry for br­i­n­g­i­ng in new cl­i­e­n­ts. Em­p­l­o­y­e­es don't re­c­e­i­ve co­m­p­e­n­s­a­t­i­on fr­om ot­h­er en­t­i­t­i­es for cl­i­e­nt re­f­e­r­r­a­ls.#基金[超话]##财经##股票##投资#


2024年2月14日,USNEWS报道:白等在 2025 年预算请求中,将 F-35订单削减 18%。
Exclusive-Biden Slashes F-35 Jet Order 18% in 2025 Budget Request, Sources Say

U.S. President Joe Biden wants an 18% cut in the number of F-35 jets the Pentagon buys next year after Congress' cap on the size of the upcoming defense budget compelled the administration to find savings.

The Pentagon order for Lockheed Martin's stealthy fighter will drop to below 70, down from an expected order of 83, for an estimated $1.6 billion drop in spending on jets.

The drop in F-35 orders could impact the big defense contractor, which earns about a quarter of its revenue from the jet program. International demand for the jets, which cost somewhere between $80 million to about $120 million each depending on the type, remains strong.

Lockheed said in a statement they "look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress" on the 2025 fiscal year budget in the months ahead.

Biden's overall defense and national security budget request is expected to be $895 billion, the sources said, compelling deep cuts in a wide range of programs, delays to existing programs and slowing efforts to build weapons stocks depleted by wars in Ukraine and Israel.

Last year, the Pentagon projected it would buy 83 of the stealthy F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin for $9.8 billion.

Last spring, the Pentagon estimated it would need about $880 billion in 2025 and a total national defense budget of $929 billion. But the two-year budget deal struck in mid-2023 capped the 2025 defense budget at 1% above the $886 billion 2024 budget. As a result, Biden's total 2025 national security budget will be $895 billion.

其他可能减少的计划包括升级阿拉斯加的国土导弹防御系统,称为陆基拦截器和RTX公司制造的用于宙斯盾舰的SM3-1B导弹。推迟的计划包括放慢Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc制造的航空母舰以Huntington和通用General Dynamics Corp制造的弗吉尼亚级潜艇的订单。

Other programs that could be reduced include upgrades to the homeland missile defense system in Alaska known as Ground Based Interceptors and RTX Corp-made SM3-1B missiles for Aegis ships. Delayed programs include slowing orders for an aircraft carrier made by Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc and Virginia-class submarines made by Huntington and General Dynamics Corp, according to two congressional staffers.

2011年 9架

Lockheed shares fell 2.6% after the news, which was first reported by Reuters.

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