Join Us|ACT China Office Is Now Recruiting!

Job Description

As the Business Development Director, you will play a pivotal role in driving growth and revenue streams in the Chinese market, with a focus on expanding the reach of the ACT products available in the International markets. You will leverage your expertise in understanding customer needs and harnessing the diverse education and assessment assets available globally to create innovative products. Reporting directly to the Regional Director (China) and collaborating with cross-functional teams, you will be instrumental in ACT's mission to enhance educational experiences.


The duties include (and are not limited to):
New Program Development and Deployment
1. Design and develop cutting-edge learning and assessment programs utilizing ACT's international education and assessment assets.
2. Craft a comprehensive growth strategy for new programs and business models while strengthening ACT's brand presence.

Program Sales and License Agreement
1. Identify and cultivate new business opportunities, from prospecting and lead generation to contract negotiations and license agreement drafting and closure.
2. Provide exceptional post-sale support and maintain long-term client relationships.

Channel Development and Management
1. Establish, appoint, coordinate and support Independent Service Providers (ISPs), vendors and other Channel Partners to expand the client base.
2. Conduct regular review with ISPs and Channel Partners to ensure alignment with business objectives.

Other Business Activities
1. Cultivate and maintain strategic external relationships within the education industry, fostering partnerships and collaborations.
2. Represent ACT at industry events and conferences, acting as a catalyst for expanding our business network.


Qualifications and Experience:
1. At least Bachelor’s degree in a related field related (e.g., business management, marketing commerce, education) from an accredited university.
2. Overseas study experience in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Singapore is advantageous.
3. Minimum of 3 consecutive years of proven working experience as a business development manager, sales executive, or in a relevant role.
4. Demonstrated track record of consistently achieving or exceeding sales targets.
5. Extensive existing connections within institutes and organizations in the education industry.

Skills and Abilities:
1. In-depth knowledge of the national and international education systems and student markets.
2. Excellent interpersonal, presentation, and communication skills, including fluency in English.
3. Strong time management, project management, and planning abilities.
4. Exceptional business acumen and the ability to recognize and capitalize on emerging opportunities, trends, and perspectives.
5. Proficiency in technical tools, including Microsoft Office, Salesforce, and data analytics software. A willingness and aptitude to learn new software is essential.

How to Apply
Submit your CV to:
Join ACT, act now!

#Billboard每日报道#根据Billboard的最新投票结果显示,#Ariana Grande#和#Mariah Carey#合作的《Yes, And?》混音版被粉丝票选为本周最受欢迎新作,获得了近73%的投票。排名前列的还有Dua Lipa的《Training Season》、Jennifer Lopez的《This Is Me... Now》、Karol G和Tiësto的《Contigo》以及Vampire Weekend的《Capricorn》/《Gen-X Cops》等新歌。

【中国#5G#基站总数超337万】By the end of 2023, China had successfully deployed 3.377 million 5G base stations, serving a staggering 805 million 5G mobile phone users. The country boasts the world's largest fiber-optic and mobile broadband networks, with over 80 percent of administrative villages now connected to 5G. The efficient sharing of communication tower resources has resulted in more than 90 percent of base stations being co-built and shared, reducing the energy consumption of individual 5G stations by over 20 percent compared to the early stages of commercial use. (S&T Daily Staff Reporters; PHOTO: VCG)

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