我刚去写上篇中文长文 写了将近五千字 再翻回来写这篇、、这篇我就不写长了 因为我昨天心情不好、、好 所以我就想到了 我最喜欢的狗狗和海边、、、我不喜欢接触这些人 感到很不舒服、、 但是为了我的钱 我还是会好好接触的、、、 下篇是长文 我先写的那篇 再回来写这篇的~~ 现在传那篇去~~ ‍♂️

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, I once again got carried away talking about my Chinese TikTok business and the boss issues and how I was upset with it and the Chinese TikTok guy’s content makes me feel better but I won’t emphasize on that cause y’all are the best remedy for me too ,,,, love love love and need all your support to stay nurtured and loved ,,, I had to see the fashion stuff and Mr. Musk stuff and all my bosses and everyone stuff to be alive and breathing and to be sane ,,,, I will chat more tmr with y’all with more repost promised now it is a Chinese holiday I chatted some more with them plus the boss issues yesterday was really unpleasant so I started blabbing away sorrrrryyyy I’ll watch I have both audience to tend to and try to make everyone happy on this and thank you for allowing me and giving me the freedom and trust to let me do what I do but I will bring it back to the blue ball lovers k,,, I will tmr with lots of nice posts saved ,,, can’t wait ,,, okayyy 2:30 now and my fingers are burning in pain ,,,, I will go to sleep and see if they get better tmr ,,, love love love my amazing incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone making it up with y’all tmr for sure ,,;; coming back for your lovessss ,,,, yahhhh I kinda felt bad and uncomfortable yesterday with all the Chinese boss stuff always unpleasant ,,, so I needed my dog and beach and all that good stuff I loveeee ,,, yahhh need to surround myself with positive energy people okayyy love love love all my loveeeessss y’all are the best for me ,,,, I love love love y’all so so much more on repost tmr coming back for y’all love love love and heart heart heart we on tmr !!! Pinky promised !!! Cause I took care of the Chinese holiday and people so coming back for y’all love love love love love love my amazing incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone

今日份自拍~~ 真地不是我不老、、、就是抖音的美颜滤镜太好~~ 我都快40了 所以易咪咪那些我是真地没关系了 第二就第二嘛 也很好啊 没关系的 我也没要跟黑色 他和他老婆很好 没要去找黑色 我就是想要我的钱 我说的已经相当清楚了 你说易咪咪要是真地是个好人还用这样嘛、、、易咪咪 你就这次一定给我付了吧、、、要是对你太多的话 你可以分期付、、、我除了这个没有什么了 我已经老了 交个朋友就很好了 您还这么重视我 我已经很开心了~~ 我就想要我那钱 你可不可以不要不给我~~~ ‍♂️

Today’s selfies ,,, I wore all blue on purpose today for all my blue heart loverrrrs !!!! Haven’t been that good with reposting lately cause of the Chinese holidays n etc so I wore on Chinese holiday to show y’all my lovesssss ,,, gotta show my love for the blue blood sometimes ,,, can’t wait to get funded so that I can wear more blues ,,, and seriously I’m so so old now it is totally the filters ,,, I can’t even look at myself without the filters or have people meet me in real life cause I look like shit and so so old but it just doesn’t show when I use the filters mannnnn ,,, it’s the Chinese TikTok filters arrrghhh ,,, yesterday my pictures for the last face shot was not filtered and all my body photos are not filtered but these days I need to use filters or I can’t !!!! But I’m afraid to meet people cause what if people are like who are you lolllll ,,,, I don’t know when that day is going to be yet and I need to make money before then so I still gotta use the filters or I can’t sell myself ,,, so I’m sorry you have to deal with me brutally honest sometimes but yahhh I need to be honest about this or I can’t ,,, it’s all filters I’m old !!!! Arrrrrghhhhh but I did wear blue today to show loveeeee that’s for real real tho love love love all my blue heart lovers love love love my blue ball boss / bosses and everyone lovesssssss

苹果也发冰冻的了、、但是我给热乎的比尔盖茨转 因为他发了元宵节~~ 还说了中文“元宵节快乐” 有心了~~ 谢谢比尔盖茨、、妈妈咪和大家咪都节日快乐 易咪咪和董宇辉还有每一位都节日快乐~~ Wowwww thank you to Mr. Gates for this throughtful lantern festival appreciation post ,,, this is spot on ,,, he’s got the lanterns in with the red lanterns people check out the lanterns on this holiday at eat the traditional food which Mr. Gates features that is the rice ball with sweet feelings inside usually sesame seeds or red bean ,,, awww and Mr. Gates spoke Chinese in this so as his Chinese new year post !!! Very very thoughtful and nice indeed ,,, I still owe him and so many of you the Chinese new year specials as I promised all of you a guanranteed reposts for Chinese new year and people showed up so I must do it right for all of you who poured out their hearts for these things ,,, thanks for being so loving and thoughtful and I do see a lot of people with dogs too lolll ,,, not sure if it’s just you and your dogs and me overthinking or people just love their dogs like I do tooo but I’m try to repost those dog lover ones too okayyy ?!?? Love y’all so so much !!! Thank you to Mr. Gates !!! So thoughtful so nice !!! Happy lantern festival ,,, people / all my bosses are so good (now think about Zuck who has a Chinese wife and speaks mandarin ,,, his mandarin is good !!!) but yahhhh people are amazing !!! Thank you so so much Mr. Gates for your thoughtfulness guanranteed repost!!!! I guess now Ashley has to wait a while to be on even tho she’s been posting the Milan fashion show all day ,,, yesss you are on too !!! But let me do this one day special cause the Chinese and my Chinese boss get kinda crazy if I don’t do the holidays right ,,, Chinese are crazy with their holidays just like American with their Halloween and Christmas !!! So gotta do it right !!!! Thank you Mr. Gates !!! I need to get funded so this year I can deck out my house for some good Christmas decors !!!! love love love Mr. Gates now thank you for these love love love all my bosses and everyone !!! Happy lantern festival and happy Milan fashion week!!!

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