#AMB潮玩NFT[超话]#A day can bring about many exciting events,
but an individual's energy and financial resources are limited.
In 2024, I hope you won't be as indecisive as you were in 2023.
Stay focused, create a solid inscription, earn your first pot of gold, and then consider venturing into higher goals like A8 and A9.
Keep a clear mind and avoid impulsive investments.
Where does the money come from?
Walk the path of virtue, whether it leads you north or south.
Where does one belong?
Like water's benevolence and virtue carrying things, hope that AMBBI (AMB) truly unites and conquers together!
Let your actions be virtuous and accumulate blessings.
Embrace the future!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes


#Bitmap #recursive #inscription

Throwback dump from the Plus years. Explanations below

1. At the Worlds End in Finsbury park after just signing my publishing deal, early 2011

2. Falling asleep on Jake Gosling’s studio couch after long hours of recording Plus, happened a lot

3. SBTV mic, after recording my first A64 with Jamal Edwards

4. Me after getting my first paycheque from music, so I bought Lego, obvz, wouldn’t you?

5. On tour in the USA early 2013 still plugging the A team, trying a new hairstyle, I would

6. Went to play for the troops in Afghanistan, crazy life experience

7. Foy making homemade pasta for me, shortly after us both writing The Hills of Aberfeldy in 2012

8. Me and Johnny McDaid having a welcome break from writing multiply, we lived between Nashville and LA and ate a lot of pot noodles

9. Me and Dan Smyers in my Nashville living days, 2013. I smoked too much then but I run a lot now so it’s fine (!?)

10. The start of it all, my first gig in 2002, Thomas Mills main hall, wearing a Green Day t shirt feeling myself

Til the next dump x

#edsheeran[超话]##ed sheeran#



他从今天开始,把我的网络全关了,说必须完成相应的听说读写才能打开,虽然我极不情愿,但还是跟他回顾了一下我的科学作业:显微镜,渗透实验。我知道hypothesis, osmosis, coarse等单词,他大为惊喜,因为前一阵子我的表现,他大概觉得我是一个学渣,半年来啥都没学会。结果今天发现很多单词他自己都不会,或者是刚学的。比如hypothesis他就不知道是假设的意思,而我知道;osmosis(渗透)他从我的作业上学的,说学了后,后来又在别处看到过了,他记住了;coarse他今天早上刚背的,粗糙的意思,显微镜上是coarse adjustment,粗调。


Dad painted the dragon he took from the library yesterday. Last night, he cooked braised pork. The groceries and seasonings were bought at T&T Supermarket. The two big bags contain supplies he got from Walmart. He bought a pot. He bought a set of hot pot because buying just the lid separately was over 30 CAD, while the whole set cost less than 20 CAD.

Starting today, he turned off my internet, insisting I must complete corresponding tasks in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to regain access. Despite my reluctance, we reviewed my science assignments, including a microscope and an osmosis experiment. Surprisingly, I knew words like "hypothesis," "osmosis," and "coarse," which amazed him. He probably thought I wasn't learning anything for the past six months. However, today he realized there were many words he didn't know or had just learned, such as "hypothesis" and "coarse." He set a rule: internet off at 9 PM, based on my study time.

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