
Happy birthday My Love
Thanks for being an actress that makes everyone happy and healthy.
You're my Energizer , happy pill , pain killer and everything. Wish you have a wonderful birthday
Do what makes you happy. If you are happy , I am also happy. Because of you , I still alive .
Happy birthday again

I really wanna dance tonight,Feel a little bit dangerous.All I wanna do is fool around,我的心在小鹿乱撞,从日落到清晨的月光,抱你到天亮。眼色是幻觉,泳池边你的身影勾成线,温热蔓延。I know u really wanna,You know u really wanna.又走过当时的长街,看我们爱坐的台阶。几年前的情节,却鲜艳像昨天。1998 we got a legend born as a star,KUN from China bag it up up up up.去没人的岛,摸鲨鱼的角,写童谣和chase。小王子也拆下了皇冠,想念涌上来安安静静看指环。夜已经慢慢地掉下来,月亮躲起来,连星星都不在。We are not alone,We're going home,No pain will last forever.玫瑰凋落,结局了了。众生的象,善恶不朽成了灰。

Unit1 The lion and the mouse

Period 1
Story time
Step1: Greetings and free talk
T:Hello, boys and girls.Welcome back to school. Today is the first day of the new term.I will tell you a new story. Do you like stories? Yes. And what stories did you learn in class?
S: ...
T: Thank you. And today we are going to talk about a new story, The lion and the mouse.
Step2: Presentation and practice
(1) Show the title “The lion and the mouse”
Present “large and strong” “small and weak”.
T: Look at the picture. There is a lion, How is the lion?
T: Yes,it's large and it's very strong.
Present: large and strong
T: Look at the mouse. It's small. It's not strong. It's very weak.
Present: weak.

(2) Watch and answer“What was the relationship(关系) between the lion and the mouse at last?”
A. Friends

B. Family

C. enemies(敌人,仇人)
S: They were friends at last.
(3) Learn the first and second passages
T:The mouse and the lion are quite different. Why did they become good friends?
There are two short stories between them. Let's have a look at the first story.
T: Read the first short story, and try to answer Question1 :

One day, what happened in the forest?
The mouse walked by and woke the line up.The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. But at last he let the mouse go.
Present “wake up” “wake-woke” “ let-let”
(学生如果不知道如何提取故事信息的时候,教师可以口头上用What did the mouse do?What did the lion do?And at last what did the lion do?这样三个问题辅助性的提问,引导学生发现整个故事的情节。这部分问句不用在课件呈现,学生回答找出的句子只要在文中画线就可以。)
Question2:What did they say?
Mouse: Please don’t eat me. I can help you some day.
Lion:You’re so small and weak! How can you help me?
T: How did they say?
引导学生找出老鼠的语气“said quietly”

狮子的语气“laughed loudly”并带有感情的朗读这两个句子。
Question 3:Why did the lion let the mouse go?
T:So in the first story, the lion didn’t eat the mouse, and he let the mouse go.
(4) Learn the third and fourth passages
T: The next day,what happened?
S:Two men caught the lion with a large net.

Present “net”
T:What did the lion do? What did the lion say? How did he say?
Work in two ,read the third passage and discuss.
(在学生回答问题中呈现:bite-bit, sharp teeth, ask sadly,并进行教学。)
T:Just then, who came?
S: The mouse.
T: What did the mouse say? What did he do?
What did the lion do? And what did he say?
Work in two and read the 4th passage and try to finish the mind map
(在学生回答问题中呈现:make a hole并进行教学。)
T: In the second story, the little mouse helped the lion.
T:Why did the lion and the mouse become good friends?
(课件呈现1-2两个故事的图片,标出 story 1, Story 2)
S: In the first story, the lion didn’t eat the mouse, and he let the mouse go.In the second story, the little mouse helped the lion.So they became good friends.
T:Do you think the lion will laugh at the small and weak animals from then on?
S: No.
T: Don’t laugh at the people who are weaker than you. Maybe one day you will need their help.(情感升华)
Step 3 : Consolidation
(1) Listen and repeat the whole story
(2) Try to find the important phrases about the time.
When we tell a story, we can use some important phrases like: One day...
T: They make our story more clear.
(3) Finish the exercise 1 in our book and check the answer.
(4) Talk about exercise 2 in the book. And then check the answer.
Step 5 Homework:
(1) Read the story with emotion and act the story.
(2) Recite the important phrases in this part.

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