昨天晚上打车去Pavilion 一车四个人 1️⃣号听不懂 2️⃣号听懂张不开嘴 3️⃣号全是塑料英语 全靠4️⃣号一个人交流
导游说马来人可以娶四个老婆,但要公平对待,不然会被其他老婆告上法院。正好司机是马来人,3️⃣问司机how many wife do you have,这问题真的太直白了,1️⃣号突然听懂了哈哈哈哈哈。司机性格很好,说他only have one wife,‘cause too expensive!!
司机人特别开朗,很能聊,还和我们说happy dragon new year[拜年][拜年]下车的时候我们用蹩脚马来语和他道谢,他用蹩脚中文和我们道谢哈哈
我们逛到商场关门才出来,没来得及去klcc双子塔亮灯好可惜 https://t.cn/RU1yD6k

今天是美国超级碗 就跟美国人的春晚似的每年 哈哈哈哈 忙死了 每一天~~ 龙年拜年还在过呢、、wowww found this perfect red Chinese Super Bowl flyer when I opened the app lol lol ,,, im surprised the Chinese watch the Super Bowl too ,,, it’s just saying inviting people to watch it cause i guess it’s just like the NBA Chinese people for sure watch that too so they are plenty of Chinese people that watch the American football just like Americans who celebrate the Chinese new year ,,, the world is all smaller than you think and how I love it to be ,,,, woww making me so happy and making my job super easy I can do Chinese superbowl flyers and later I can do American reposts for Chinese new years wowww niceeeee the world can definitely coexist in one ,,, so I hope there are no more wars and the world be in peace ,,, if you like to compete ,,, compete in building your economy and innovations or something like the civilized society and nice people we all are ,,, hope the world can stop the wars and stop the killing of the innocent people and build in peaceful times ,,, best to the world and everyone in it ,,, I wrote pretty long for the first upload but I can’t check if all 3 were successfully uploaded cause my mom is not around with her phone so I won’t write too long then since I wouldn’t know if they get to successfully be uploaded but yahhh happy Super Bowl Sunday and happy New York fashion week and happy Chinese new year all in one !!! What a peaceful prosperous and harmonious world ,,, that’s how the world should be and how I see the best of the world brings !!! Yahhh let’s celebrate each other and one another and together we stand for a shared future for the global youth and better earth we all live on and more immigration to Mars as Mr. Musk works on his thangs very excited ,,, today is prolly like Mr. Musk’s specials cause I owe him for daysssssssss and it’s a lottttttt so yahhhh see all y’all in a bit love love love and heart heart heart love love love my amazing incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone

今日份做了两个和董宇辉的迷你交流、、有一个明天发好了 因为现在已经快两点了 十点的时候我想我是不是就休息了 明天再继续 还是坚持完成好了 不过以后都是十点就一定下了 坚决不熬夜了、、今日份和宇辉交流的还是出自我亲戚们的微x群、、首先她(我二姑)给了一个那些难读字的注解和读音、、然后我大姑又传了一条什么叫中国人的“意境”是什么样的、、、不光就是图面上的好看、、意境是表达很深意 很有故事性的 很有道理的、、他这里就比如了颐和园的这个长廊 有四个亭子 春夏秋冬、、然后每个亭子间隔三百多步、、、你一走就走过了四季 走过了一生、、然后每个长廊有四大名著 四大名著最大的特点 比如西游记 心起 大闹天宫 心灭、三国 天下大事 分久必合 合久必分、、水浒、、众生起义 梁山聚义 眼看楼起 眼看楼塌 、、所有四大名著都讲的是什么呢 是个轮回、、中国人的时间 是个圆 是个轮回、、、一天是个轮回 一年是个轮回 一生也是个轮回 、、、所以得像佛教似的 修下一世、、为什么中间有三百多步呢、、、三百多年就是个大轮回 所以他三百多步、、、春夏秋冬 你各走三百多步 你就是走了个大轮回 就是起灭、、、起灭最后到了哪儿了呢、、、走到了尽头的地方 走到了那个清晏坊 走到了那个船坞 、、中国园林里所有地方都做一个旱船、、因为他是儒释道三家叫“渡你”、、、就是这种意思 或者叫做修心 、、你想开了 我就渡你了、、、这佛教渡你啊、、道教 儒教 都有一个船、、、比如说直挂云帆济沧海 这个长风破浪会有时、、所以他是整个轮回的一个想法、、这才叫“意境”、、、是我要讲个故事 讲个道理 我要是不讲 你是不懂的、、、他得有个过程、、有个生动的故事诠释、、、叫 “意境” 、、、我是不是有点董宇辉的fu今天 我跟他学的 哈哈哈、、、然后这不是我说的 这是来自“郭明”园林说书人 出处是这个微x公众号 “宫雪聊园林” 我是转述人家说的、、转型了有木有~~ 一搭上董宇辉 马上聊天的质感都不一样了 拔高了好几个层次、、我今天做了两篇迷你分享 还有一篇~~ 明天再说、、、好的 那先这样 这不是我原本要和董宇辉聊的 那个 我看明后天我可不可以 哈哈哈哈 继续加油~~

Omgoshhh I’m not going to attempt to translate this to English ,,, definitely going to have my translators to help me to save a bunch of time ,,, I can summarize it it’s about Chinese historical and ancient ideologies through its architecture and religion on traditional chinese artistic conception that it communicates through these elements ,,, the Chinese process of aestheticism and artistic atmosphere always surrounds itself of these topics of religion ,,, of ideology ,,, of ancient literature ,,, now that I recall when I read the Odyssey in high school there was a ton of ideologies that I didn’t understand a single thing back then so as the Shakespeare we all had to read that in high school and so many great literatures,,, hope I can revisit them ,,, I’m hoping I can read more this year more Chinese and English books both ,,, have to get better with my language skills at the same time ,,, but yahhh ,,, the translators should help out with the specifics ,,, and I’ll talk to you guys more tmr since it’s like almost 3,,, I’m just going to upload some selfies now lolll and more for tmr ,,, these are all for Chinese new years and I’ll repost on more of you tmr or the day after love love love thank you to my translators for helping me ,,, I know this is a hard one ,,, that’s why I’m not doing it lol lol but I’ll do more on my own too love love love y’all so so much I love love love my amazing fantastic boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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