Florine Stettheimer and her sisters were known for hosting lively social gatherings in New York for the avant-garde cultural scene. These parties often inspired her paintings, which are filled with interesting little details. In this charming and vivid family portrait, we see the artist, decked out in a sleek black pantsuit, brush, and palette in hand, positioned on the left.
She's not alone—her mother, poised and elegant, occupies a grand golden armchair to the right. Joining them are her sisters, Ettie and Carrie; Ettie relaxes in a chair next to the artist, while Carrie adds a touch of cool to the scene on the other end, casually holding a cigarette.
The artist, a multifaceted talent in art, set design, and poetry, was the heart of a buzzing New York salon. Here, she welcomed her family and a tight-knit group of artists, critics, and curators, showcasing her art and sharing her poetry.

Stettheimer's art wasn't taken very seriously back then, and she didn't sell many paintings. But after she passed away, her sister Ettie decided to share many of her works with museums, including this one, although Florine wanted all her paintings to be destroyed. So good that this didn't happen!!! Especially because the artist herself adored this portrait, often calling it “my masterpiece.”


Immunomodulating nano-adaptors potentiate antibody-based cancer immunotherapy (2021)


而且似乎并没有解决BiTE的毒性问题。。CAR-T 有什么问题我目前不是很清楚。。。(回来了,是协同作用:Reduced Resistance: Tumors can escape CAR-T cell therapy by downregulating or losing the targeted antigen. The imNA approach, by potentially targeting multiple aspects of the tumor and the immune system, might reduce the likelihood of tumor escape.)

- Using a nanoparticle to potentiate the CAR-T therapy and BiTE approach for cancer immunotherapy. The two therapeutics in most cases work independently. They speculated that integrating the features of these two strategies into one system may further boost immunotherapy
我又疑惑了为啥要一起增强啊。。。CAR-T和BiTE在临床上是一起用的么??(不是, 它想当个佐剂(以后查查还有啥佐剂的方法

没看出来这个方法和CAR-T有什么关系。。(回来了,是免疫调节:Immunomodulation: The use of imNAs can modulate the immune environment in ways that might complement the activity of CAR-T cells. For instance, by overcoming immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment or by activating additional arms of the immune system (such as natural killer cells and macrophages), imNAs could potentially enhance the efficacy of CAR-T therapy.)

-build up a versatile antibody immobilization platform by conjugating αFc onto the nanoparticle surface (αFc-NP), imNAs could achieve amplified and unachievable antitumor effects over a mixture of two types of mAbs

- select the immune checkpoint inhibitors αPD1 (an anti-PD1 antibody) and αPDL1 (an anti-PDL1 antibody) as model mAbs and show that imNAαPD1 & αPDL1 could effectively promote T cell/tumor cell interactions and strikingly augment T cell-mediated antitumor immunity

We speculated that integrating the features of mAbs (immunomodulating function of immune cells) and bsAbs (facilitating co-engagement of immune cells and tumor cells) into one system could dramatically boost immunotherapy, and we proposed that nanoparticle immobilizing two types of mAbs targeting effector cells and tumor cells could be such a system.

G1:睡公主 Where Did U Go? 回忆的沙漏
G2:All About U A.i.n.y 塞纳河
G3:寂寞星球的玫瑰 The Voice Within One Button
G4: 失真 Someday I'll Fly 奇迹
G5:单行的轨道 一路逆风 于是
G6:睡皇后 倒数 岩石里的花
G7:灰狼 很久以后 差不多姑娘
G8:夜的尽头 天空没有极限 受难曲

Single:孤独 画 平行世界(其他老师没排 我自己排的)

刷到@Sapiosexual_樹 老师的排行 那我也排一个[可怜]

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