Honestly, when we were together, I knew he couldn't give me all his love because he had a son to take care of. He should love his son more than me, or he wouldn't be worthy of my love. Even though he's divorced, he can't ignore his ex-wife, because I understand all the communication about the kids. But I can't accept that he's been lying to me in the name of love for three years, that they've never been apart, that they've lived together and had sex! There were other women! I just can't take it.

So many times I was heartbroken for him, nervous for him, worried for him, cried for him. Care about him, love him, so many details of getting along, to the end! A phone call proved he was lying to me. I can't forgive. I really can't. I experienced despair, fear, pain, helplessness... I hope what happened to me never happens to another single woman. He should be removed from the NPC, removed from his post or demoted, and there should be an explanation for this. If this society still has the so-called truth, goodness and beauty, then I experienced this, even if the scars are also counted as an account of my own.

There is no real empathy in this world, not everything can be thankful , and not all people deserve forgiveness. Because the people who hurt you never care about how you got out of the hole. Thank you for the one who has been persevering. I will not thank the people who hurt me to make me grow up, I now know the fickleness of the human heart, the muddy road! I will try to be my own support.As for whether I can be good, when can be good to time. What the truth is he knows, I know, his ex-wife knows, God knows. I hope God can make me recover quickly, so that I can sleep well, eat well, live well...Come on!

#IVE杂货铺[超话]# 借 tag 出 还有泰签 塔店 2 圆
借tag:芙 ive 金秋天 秋 秋秋姐 安宥真 安 安安 直井怜 怜 张元英 圆 李贤瑞 李瑞 瑞 芙1芙2芙3芙4芙5芙6 未拆 仅拆 红版 粉版 灰版 i版e版v版 单封 特别版 p版 预售礼 海报 小卡 贴纸 相片 明信片 打歌卡 船特 特典 貌美 平价 白菜 无瑕 有瑕 大暇 秋位安位怜位圆位栗位瑞位 拼车 拼团 走pt 贵妇包装 红圆 粉圆 灰圆 特别版圆 i圆 v圆 e圆 后爱蓝圆 后爱绿圆 后爱红圆 十一时期 eleven 11 lovedive 爱河时期 after like 后爱时期 爱慕I AM 本次回归I've mine k4 ny1 ny2 k41 2爱豆1 爱豆2 ms1 ms2 sw1 yzy sw23456789 mmt 塔店 wm123456 am12 br 幸运卡 闪卡 随机卡 场周卡 紫葡萄瑞 贝雷帽圆 贝雷帽瑞 眼镜圆 睡衣圆 蓝莓圆 小蜜蜂圆 代言卡 puma 美瞳 北面 披萨卡12 玉米须茶 奶黄包圆 捏脸圆 火狐圆 睡衣圆 兔耳圆 校花圆 猫爪圆 官咖圆 比心圆 中签圆 亲签

Sometimes it would stop raining
long enough for the stars to come out...
and then it was nice.
It was like just before the sun goes to bed
down on the bayou.
there was always a million sparkles on the water like that mountain lake.
It was so clear, Jenny,it looked like there were two skies one on top of the other.
And then in the desert, when the sun comes up.
I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began.
It's so beautiful.
I wish | could've been with you
You were
I love you


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