
it feels much more like spring today, even the wind is warm~

and there're so many stars tonight because the sky becomes completely clear at night, and i even could see them with naked eyes, so beautiful~

my dinner was great, besides parents brought me raw fish sushi, also i made a fish soup with lots of taro, mother shared a piece of fried fish with me, and i added it into the soup, all good~
and i got full, warm and satisfied~

i went to do grocery shopping before meditation, and saw some signs from license plates, also i picked two babies messages today, just not sure when to share them yet~
and the signs including "6227", "9227", "627", "927", "323", "623", "822", "322", "7811", "228", "2117", "2116", "7070", "5207", "1122", "9111", and "1119", and "TY-7216" which i saw when arriving home.

i made the meditation before dinner for about 40 minutes, not sure when it happened but i suddenly chuckled during it, not like last time, i laughed with a sound today, and then i tried to feel it more closely after i chuckled, and i found that i did feel something was fun, therefore my moods was good, however i totally don't remember what made me laughed.
and it's not like something really funny or so hilarious that made me laugh, just some normal stuff, and i was feeling peaceful with nice moods.

from like 20 minutes i start to have my stomach upset, and also today for several times i had heart palpitations, premature heartbeat (早搏), and i don't remember if i had tingling pains today.

i have been thinking of/ processing some things, and some i might lose them in the middle of processing, which means it's not their time for me to figure out yet, no big deal, and some i am still thinking of, and sometimes i might share some of them with you, and i'm gonna continue doing it.

so far?
then good night and love~

just remembered i heard an airplane [飞机] flying by around 10:41pm, though the sky is so clear, i couldn't see it..?


the weather is great today, and it feels like spring to me that i feel hot sometimes, however, just in case, i still wear sweater after getting up~
hahahah [笑cry][亲亲]

the leaves of p3 belong to hydrangeas, see the pink? so lovely, isn't it?
and i didn't know it until checked with mother.
when there're flowers, i didn't really pay attentions to its leaves~

and i saw two of that stuff this afternoon again, flying from left to right, and then one's flying down, another one's flying up, see p7-p8.
and they disappeared.

i love my dinner tonight. mother made braised chicken with carrot and potato, and i added them into my noodles soup, with more carrots and taro, and chicken breast, and right, i seasoned them with curry powder, see the thick soup? so very tasty~
i love it~
then i got full, warm, and satisfied~
hahahah [哈哈][馋嘴][awsl]

i did mediation for like 40 minutes before training, after a while i felt calm and then my moods got lifted, to be honest, i don't really know what's happened during the process, but i did feel relaxed after it.

i didn't sleep much last night, after less than three hours sleeping, i woke up and then i started the loop of falling asleep and waking up till i finally got up.
also i had heart palpitations and premature heartbeat when doing today's training, kinda tired.

so far?
then good night and love~


the weather is great today, even becomes completely cloudy tonight that i couldn't take pictures of the Moon or stars, but i don't feel cold at all, including when doing meditation before training, my feet were not freezing like previously, very good~
and days ago i also noticed that my knees are not sore for quite long time, i love it~
hahahahah [哈哈][亲亲][good]

my meals were good today, i made myself nice tuna sandwich by lunch, and then great noodles soup by dinner as well, and i added some taro, but not sure what made the soup looks milky white, it's really tasty anyway, also the braised fish mother made was tasty that i even ate four little bites of rice mixed with the sauce [笑cry][馋嘴], and then i had three popcorn and one pastry cookies after finishing my dinner~
again, i got full, warm, and satisfied~
just i've been thinking of eating less, and i've been having Gastroesophageal reflux for days.
because i ate too much sweets?

sill having heart palpitations, and premature heartbeat, but barely tingling pains.

i did meditation before training for about 30-40 minutes, and one thing i remembered the most after done it is that it felt like i met two people, or i saw that vision, one male and one female, both young and strangers to me, we/ they were having a light-hearted conversation, and laughing, and i laughed with them as well, and when i laughed, i felt so relaxed, i love it.
actually, during this meditation, i laughed twice, just i don't remember what happened in another one.
sometimes, i have this kind of dreams, laughed in the dreams.
btw it helps with lifting my moods, i've been feeling kinda down lately.

so far?
then stay warm there, love and good night~

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