《The light we carry》—Michelle Obama 2022

The Power of Small: 有的时候,不起眼的小东西可以给你力量

Decoding Fear: 恐惧是正常的感觉,不要被恐惧支配,学会带着恐惧前行

Starting Kind: 对自己友善,对他人友善

Am I Seen: 别人怎么看你不重要,你要成为你想成为的样子

My kitchen table: 不要惧怕在真实的生活里主动交朋友

Partnering Well: 没有完美的伴侣关系,不要期望伴侣可以解决你的问题,满足你的需求。

Meet my Mom: 米歇尔的妈妈的经验分享:

The whole of us: 我们消除不了生活的痛,但是通过分享,彼此支撑,我们可以减轻生活的痛。

The armor we wear: 每个人都会在工作中展现出专业,强壮的一面,这是你的盔甲。

Going high: 当别人不可理喻的时候,你要保持冷静。

Son of god S04 E02

People of the world hating Christian………Yet, thanking Christian, REALLY(!)…………

Christian:" Right, I don't care about that anymore. "

Black Woman:" Why do you want your keep it? "

Christian:" For my victory, for my triumph. "

A Formal Snow White:" What about Greatness and Achievements? "

Christian:" You think I am a MAN, still? "

Nietzsche:" Exactly what are you searching for in this new level of endeavor of yours? "

Christian:" Honestly a purpose…… To live on, to transcend the suffering in life. By the way…… I would appreciate, if Dr Peterson, Ronald Bernard, and Yuri Orlov doesn't come back. "

Christopher Nolan:" No, they won't come back. They are REALLY just bad, they are against the interest of the whole world. "

Christian Bale:" Say you?…… "

Christian Wayne:" It's like Nietzsche has done writing all his books, told all his philosophy to the future, for some sort of hope, that he desired, for the world. After all that books, and philosophy set up has been done. As Mission of Nietzsche's, as missions of MINE, are all done. The question is…… What do I do now? As this real loner. As this lonely soul. "

Another Formal Snow White:" Are you still desiring reaching out for somebody?…… "

Christian:" No…… I am totally fine with myself, living alone, for the rest of my life. "

Nietzsche:" Do you want this to be the ending? "

Christian:" I know this can't be the ending…… But my purpose now, my mission now…… Is to find a purpose in life. As in, IN MY LIFE…… If I am all the way sum up, allowed to do it, of course. "

Nietzsche:" We understand your All The Way…… Sure not coming? "

Christian:" I really could never be sure. However…… Mr Nietzsche, could you just enliten me of my life's purpose, at least for now, or for life. Can you just enliten that to me, straight away? If you'd be so kind to do so. "

Nietzsche:" Will To Power, Objectively Scientifically, and Schopenhauer Irrationality philosophically. You know you have the Luciferian Mythological Superpower that gets you owning the whole world, AT ALL! ! ! ! "

Nietzsche:" So?…… How do you feel? "

Christian:" Well, in a way, I am still…… I couldn't say on the behind. But I am really…… Metaphorically, New Above god. I emphasize the word Above… As in detached, from human society, from my everyday life. You know what I mean…… I am detached from…… The Entire World, I am detached from the…… Whole World. As in I have no…… Any Real Connections with society, any society, I am not…… "Necessarily" Connected with anybody else, with the whole human society.

I am a Totally Free Individual, I am TOTALLY detached from human society, from anybody else. But me, Myself~ And…… But, with my Super Vanity, and my Magical Power, I live, as if…… And I am, Really…… Artistically Factually---- New Above god……… Living above the world, talking to the world, having interactions with the world down below…… Molding, Changing the world down below, If I want to, If I intend to. "

Einstein:" Say it in one line. … If you could. "

Christian:" I am Lucifer, the Arch Angle whom flew to heaven again, Metaphorically, Artistically, Trasendentally…… As you are hearing my voice, and I am hearing Yours. Seeing Each Other…… And I am with my Vanity, and my magical power. "

突然想起来在人生的重大道路上自己说到的都做到了 答应自己的也都做到了 虽然有时候可能结果并不是太好 但某种程度上来说也是做到了自己想做的事情 或许我应该转变心态 在来了四川之后一直瞧不上这个瞧不上那个 缺少事事认真的耐心了 我应该做出转换 我是自己生活里的主角!I am women!I am the protagonist of my life!

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