Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States and a renowned wine enthusiast, was a fervent admirer of Haut Brion. In fact, he famously declared it as one of the finest wines he ever tasted, solidifying its reputation as a wine of exceptional quality and prestige.✨

To make the crown, don't waste every day

Goodnight Lucy,

Hey sweet Angel, how are you? It's beautiful to see you and know that you are alright but is everything OK? Why don't you talk to me the last days? Well ... I hope everything is alright. I will still try to be a little bit up even when I need to wake up early tomorrow... I hope we can talk a bit. I understand what you are trying to say... what I don't understand is why you pressure yourself so much with that... as you said before... you know it already... the meaning of a meeting is to put a light on each other... to get to know each other... it's like you would be afraid already of the meeting without having met me... are you afraid because you know you would fall in love with me? And you don't know how to deal with that feeling? ... dont be afraid... let it just happen and everything else will take it's course on it's own... see, know and feel how it would be to meet with me before ever trying to find answers about what's further... I think I know... I'm sure I know it exactly ,thats what I believe... but I could never know for sure if I can't meet and see you.... So let's finally find an answer for that question... today the day really wasn't as I hoped. After the incident with the ferry the cousin of Evgeni just wanted to go back to the hotel and sleep. So just me and Geni went to a beach and enjoyed the day a bit. In the evening we all went out to the Bar where they have some live music. You know this bar already haha... it was nice and fun. I'm already since a while at home and probably drop asleep soon... I wish you a wonderful night with a lot of sweet dreams muaaaaa I'm thinking about you all the time Muaaaaa ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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