- I love to eat sushi with wasabi.
- Wasabi is a popular condiment in Japanese cuisine.
- The wasabi at this restaurant is very spicy.

#统招专升本[超话]# #山东专升本[超话]# #专升本[超话]# #专升本英语[超话]#

Something new recently❤️

Recently, I have always been photographed wearing a couple's clothes with my baby.哈哈哈哈哈哈~it's really funny ~

I took my baby and his friends to eat the grilled fish in a restaurant called "Laodifang",which was super delicious! But it's just a little spicy️

Yesterday, the baby's friends brought the cat to play with us. It was smiling when it fell asleep. It was so cute, who knows ~ ~ ~Then we chat together, talk about life and gossip.They also brought delicious food to share with us.❤️

Every time I have a Japanese class, my deskmate will bring me a lot of snacks, so we will eat them secretly.I like her very much ~ How can the class be boring like this? !

哎~~ 我今天 妈妈咪问候~~~、、、我由于找蓝色个人内容找太久又弄太多组了 花了很多时间 然后我没做原本要做的饭 因为我饿的有点晕 时间不太够就做了点简单的吃 是光吃不能做内容的那种、、、所以今天啥都没有 蓝色个人内容是弄好了 但我要是现在传个人内容 都没转发工作就不太好了、、然后说到这儿 我就去即可拍了一下、、、待会发下即可拍吧~~~ 我给马斯克转一下 那就明天多更一点吧 不好意思 时间实在是不够 三个平台 看内容 做内容 找内容 还得做饭 遛狗 现在还得转发工作 因为我要收钱、、那男老板的事就少弄一点吧 因为他们既然都那样了 我就把我自己的事情弄好 然后我赚的钱一定要给我噢 礼物也会送给您们的 其他的就祝您们幸福了~~ 钱一定要给我 谢谢妈妈咪 昨天夜里为妈妈咪准备了些内容~~~ 这几天陆续发 相信妈妈咪看了一定会很开心的~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪~~ 我现在就转发一下马斯克的 快十点半了~~

Omgoshhh my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, it took me sooo longggg to find some blue personal content today finally and it’s wayyy too many sets so I didn’t even get to cook today ,,, but I was so hungry I cooked something else that’s not presentable on this just to eat but didn’t cook what I had planned for everyone on this ,,, going to cook tmr morning instead hoping and praying my ingredients won’t go bad ,,, before I had made salmon and it went bad kind of not so fresh but hopefully chicken is better than seafood ,,, I don’t know crossing my fingers tmr making it tmr morning instead so I’m going to change it to personal content every three days now or something cause now with the added quota and I’m collecting a rate that should always come first and my personal content comes after that ,,, I used to put my personal content first but I guess I can take new ones that I don’t have to dug up photos in the 200K something photos I have which will save time ,,, anyways so little time and so much to do ,,, I have three platforms to tend to but definitely giving the Chinese boss shit the least amount of my attention now cause time is of the essence and I never have enough time in a day ,,, okayyy I guess tmr I will have more to upload then today I’m just not going to that much still ,,, I took some selfies just now cause I don’t want to absolutely not have anything ,,, okayyy will be doing Mr. Musk then ,,, next week I’m going to double up the repost for the rest of my companies cause I owe everyone so much and decrease my personal content for a week until we are all caught up then I’m back to doing personal content every other day but I can take some selfies still ,,, and when I’m funded I could do OOTD and stuff ,,, so yahhh so not enough time to finish everything today ,,, more work to be done tmr ,,, tmr is the upload day so it will be more but then I also have to go clean the other side of my teeth which is freakin scary cause I have to get numbed but yahh that’s tmr ,,, okayyyy let me get Mr. Musk uploaded then ,,, now I owe him more and I keep count of his and everyone’s so I’ll get y’all caught up if I’m charging okayyyy ,,, making up work like crazy next week doubling up or trippling up work if I must so reach my quota raaawrrrrrrr can’t stop won’t stop with my job with everyone I’m on this ,,, must be good with my service now I’m charging y’all ,,, must put y’all to priority at least the Chinese boss stuff need to go after you guys so that you can feel better at least I put work first ,,, so yahhhh hope I can get done and make up my work all through out next week I must and must arrrrrghhhhhh but I also want to find time to post for people and interesting thing I want to ,,, so welllll going to find time for all of them then ,,,,, just because there are sooooOooo many things I want to repost for people ,,, want to make the content interesting always as a content creator welll will be doing that then and thinking of everybody in mind and so as all my biggest bosses as my sponsors so yahhhh definitely will incorporate more ways to show my love for all of you alll ,,, okayyy going to be reposting for Mr. Musk right now and I’ll upload my blue shitttttt tmr then ,,, found some nice blue shittzzz for you guys tho ,,, so hope people can enjoy tmr ,,, and omgoshhh need to work better and more efficient grrrr rawwrrrr also walking the dog twice a day takes a long time now but I do need to move around and exercise everyday can’t be on the phone 24/7 even tho I’m already like that that’s why the need to be moving !!! Okayyy love love love all and heart heart heart loveeee my beautiful incredible amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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