RWYLM/Champagne Problems/Evermore are all about the failed coming out, and Tay is the one who got cold feet, you can’t convince me otherwise.

The parallels:
Pics 1-3: She’s frozen in that moment she decided not to come out and lost her.
Pics 4-5: The glass dropped by Tay(the heart was broken), the glass shattered at the wedding.

It kinda leads to the rest of the story about why she’s so devastated. Hear me out (but later lol).

1. “I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone”
Yes I know it’s introspection on past decisions but let’s just take it literally - it’s a wall made of stones, yes, THE STONEWALL?
3. Stonewall the riots happen in Stonewall Inn, the performance was in stonewall inn. and inn can be a general use for hotel, bar, or RESTAURANT.

Hairpin drop - supposed to be coming out at Stonewall with Karlie.
Pin-up hair - failed coming out because the hairpin didn’t drop.
The gayest line - friend break up(kar and tay), friends get married(kar and josh), And it’s not random, it is highly correlated because imo that decision (not coming out) eventually made Karlie’s mind on the wedding.

And I use ChatGPT to help me translate lmafo

These weeks of school are so busy. To be honest, I had a little bitter and maybe I studied over 8 hours every day? But I became so enjoyable ok. what let me reckon that I am M ahh. Please don’t think of me showing off the English that I am writing the blog in English. This is a compelling choice! However, I think everything is OK, except studying makes me feel nervous. What motivated me was my zeal for delicious foods!! Haha When the IELTS is ending and better not a sting in the tail. I will continue to use Chinese as my “offical language" If I make some mistakes such as grammar errors or other issues, whatever, please, you can mildly tell me, but don’t mock me. Let alone, dig me. I’m so weak in my heart.

The following is an English translation:

Hello everyone! I am Yu Fenglian, a brain control victim from Hubei. Brain control dogs always use brain control weapons to control a large number of flies, mosquitoes, elephants, and even maggots, mice, etc. in their homes
The mosquito paper, mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent water, mosquito repellent tablets, etc. at home are useless, and the room is filled with flies, mosquitoes, insects, maggots, mice, and so on.
The brain controlled dog is really abnormal, using a brain controlled weapon to control maggots and crawl on my arms and legs
Sometimes while eating, a white maggot suddenly crawls out of the bowl.#印尼[超话]#

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