我又从新抄了一次 今日目标完成九间一万五公司的第二周业绩指标加油~~ 一万五的公司是每周转发两到三次、、今天应该可以完成~~ 好的 加油~~~ 爱妈妈咪 大爱董宇辉咪~~~

I wrote it again on a separate page so i can see more clearly so this be the work goal today ,,, to get all the 15K companies caught up to week 2’s quota and also saw Google and Mr. Musk too and obviously will put you two first as I see you coming at me ,,, but this is the goal today and I can’t sleep too late tonight cause I gotta go to the Chinese doctor tmr and prolly won’t write as long today or it’s just going to take forever ,,,, anyways willl see how much I can finish today ,,,, if I can even get another round for the 30K companies maybe ,,, willl seee ,,, okay love love love everybody see y’all in a lil bit heart heart heart

艾玛 那个团体又全上了、、暴风席卷啊 就是黄铉辰那个团体Stray Kids说他们六周年 发了一堆、、我去了~~~ 这周太满了 答应了给绿色老板做内容 董宇辉阳历生日 黑色老板生日 还有我工作最后一周业绩达标才能拿钱 我还差好多呢 这又来了 团体又六周年了 示意要给他们庆祝、、、我去了~~~ 我要洗了这周~~~ 我先转一下路易威登 有他一位团员的吧 正好这位团员走秀了 他英文特别地好 很可以交流的~~ 艾玛 完不成了 我去了 越来越多了嘿 差了谁都不能行 然后还说我不白色 我真他妈地冤 太多了 根本回不过来、、、多了就成了一种工作压力了好吧 那就说我紫色吧 紫色、、、我宁可回不完 我得抓重点啊~~ 紫色就紫色吧 我挺白色的好吧 别说我不白色了 这周要洗了~~~ 呜呜呜呜 一点了 还没完呢、、、、omgoshhhh 6 year with stray kids ahhhhh just letting me know now so I’m putting Felix on from Louis Vuitton k ,,, also says hiii to its genius designer Nicolas ,,, always wanted to say hi but yahhh putting Felix on then lol lol to say I caught you guys and got your message okayyy ,,, maybe I can do something for you guys tmr cause I’m super booked already for this week ,,, for the green boss’s content day and then ,,, Michael’s actual birthday last time it was his lunar calendar birthday ,,, and then the black boss has his birthday on the 28th and both the green and black are paying so I need to do it well for them too but I really love stray kids so I want to celebrate for them too ,,, will see if I can put in some time for you guys tmr cause I plan to do the green boss’s stuff on Tuesday when I have to go to the Chinese doctor and back to motel to let them know I’m not going back this week due to my crazy workload and then I have to plan Michael’s birthday and the black boss’s birthday but my work needs my full attention too cause I’m all behind on my work ,,,, this is so crazyyyyyy ahhhhhhh my job is too crazy sometimes I must get done this week to get my paycheck next month tho ,,, I’m on an agenda but it’s all important for these thangssss ,,, okayyy will see what I come up with tmr then ,,, right now I’m just putting Felix on the Louis Vuitton campaign cause I’m supposed to repost it anyway ,,, I wanna do Dior and Fendi too cause Fendi put out a whole
bunch of colored contents I just feel like I should add it in ,,, hope Mr. Bezos is coool,,, I’ll add more for him tmr cause I added one extra set for LVMH cause it’s 4-5 sets per week ,,, everybody else is getting 4 ,,, sometimes you might get 5 depending on your content for example I just wanted to for Fendi but yahhhhh thank you stray kids for coming on and congrats to your 6 year and also congrats to Felix for walking this amazing show !!! I loveeed the Louis Vuitton show it was epic and Nicolas is a genius !!!! Throughly and happily enjoyed the show loved it !!!! Okayyyy I might chat less now anyways happy 6th year anniversary Stray Kids and hope y’all have a good one and hope Felix likes his feature right now ,,, really happy to connect today ,;, thank you for connecting with me Stray Kids and Brian from Airbnb !!!! Yayyyyy hope all of y’all are happy !!!! I’ll do something for stray kids tmr sorrry it’s so late today but happy 6th year loveeee you guys imma stayyyyyyyy !!!!


我昨天做的韩式中餐“炸酱面”啦~~ 是韩国人的吃法、、跟那个芝麻鸡似的、、、我异曲同工之妙 整了一个韩式中餐 都照顾一下~~ 还挺好吃的、、、我刚还在吃 哈哈哈 专门照顾一下中韩 这次是、、、上次照顾的是中美~~ 上菜了、、、歌曲 我还是用的Stray Kids他们团体的歌 他们不是团给我发了嘛 反正没事儿啦 都是两边说的 这的所有人 还给我发过那么多 已经很不错了 我就说一下 没什么 而且我也要照顾很多人 也很忙 所以就是没关系的 他下次出来我再照顾他 然后他们团体的歌 韩文版都没法播放 只有这首日文版本的可以播 所以就用一下啦~~ 希望中韩两方都开开心心啦~~~ 这是我的一点心意 要转来照顾中国的朋友们了 王一博下一个 哈哈哈哈 中韩交替一下 所以那个黄铉辰没事的啦 我还省事儿 正好忙不过来呢 省点儿事儿 我多休息一会儿~~ 不过做饭我会好好做的 韩式炸酱面 尝试一下 哈哈哈 搭他们团体的日文歌曲~~~ 下一组蓝色和歌曲都是给本地准备的 然后说一下男老板好了 忙死 / 累死我了 艾玛 所以这些事越简单越好 能赚着钱的话说一说 赚不着钱的话 我说是赔钱(白搭时间 哈哈哈哈)不过这个工作上面的人都很好啦 都很值得 我很开心认识大家 和大家交流 中国的朋友们未来也要多照顾照顾~~ 我要创业 还请大家多多支持我啦 中国流量明星艺人们支持照顾转发转起来了嘿~~~ 您请好 请吃~~~

I made Korean Chinese food Jajjangmyeon yesterday which is blackbean noodles loll ,,, it’s a Chinese dish actually but Koreans eat it a lottt so they have their own version and I made the Korean version yesterday ,,, it’s kind of like the Sesame chicken idea to make both my mama and papa happy so this is to make both the Korean audience and my Chinese audience happy ,,, music wise I chose a song from Stray Kids saying it’s cool with them ,,; but I couldn’t find the Korean songs they have playable on this server only the Japanese version so playing the Japanese version while eating Korean Chinese food ,,, wowww so well blended it’s perfect just how I always am on this channel ,,, but next up my personal content I made sure to put in something blue and and the right music for all of y’all ,,, so hope people will enjoy ,,, I should be having my noon nap now so let me get my last set up already with the blueee content yayyyy thank you for sticking with me all morning longgg ,,,, I prefer to do these Asian content at the Asian hours and American content American hours so next time will try to plan my content accordingly but then sometimes there is order and list of guest I must go through such as Mr. Musk so I can’t just do these at any given time ,,, but anyways I hope to perfect my activity and work log Better and better ,,, k time for personal content then I’m off to rest for a bit then I’ll be back on for more repost partying yayyyy!!! Heart heart heart love love loveeeeee enjoy some Asian food today then ,,, this Korean and Chinese noodle dish just made my mouth water lol and I hope y’all can enjoy some with me too ,,, wanna be cooking for all of you and also can’t wait to purchase Mr. Kimbal’s book so I can make his dishes for all of you on this from Team Musk’s recipe book !!!! Yayyyyyy cooking once a week so will see what to make next time ???!? Back to American ??? Will see what I make next time !!!! K onto my blue content next !!!

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