我上条聊大了 见上、、然后我聊的期间 王一博找了他一号 又说是理想型了 但王嘉尔那边儿又给我发了、、、易咪咪还没找 早先也通过他团体发了 还至今未找、、、我明天先照顾王一博 按计划~~ 都还好吧 那、、王嘉尔又补发了 那就打个平手吧、、本来他差一些的 因为他找他老婆找的狠、、易咪咪没找 但易咪咪没他俩给我发的多、、但易咪咪要给我三百万 我俩还有六年感情基础 虽然也快毁灭了、、、我今天还得照顾韩国那边儿的呢 那您们就都说 也给我发吧 本来也都是大家的做法 可能会都高兴一些~~ 抖音的话 香菜是不是不高兴了 前两天好像没太播 去三亚了 现在回来了 衣服比较灰啊 艾路威也灰了衣服~~ 二老公还好的哈~~ 我希望我今年能赚到钱啦 在我老了之前、、、易烊千玺没找 又给我发 我不和他说好点好像不太合适~~ 但其他人又都给我发很多、、那还是按顺序照顾着吧 明天照顾王一博、、、王嘉尔刚照顾完 今天转发韩国的、、、然后最后最高规格的照顾易烊千玺~~ 王嘉尔的生日过得很霸气了~~ 祝贺祝贺 真的是不错 不会拒付我的吧那、、、都还可以啦 那就都说吧 易烊千玺没找 那就优先易烊千玺吧还是~~ 明天做王一博的内容了~~ 嗯嗯嗯 我今天给韩国那边儿先照顾一下、、先照顾我的工作 在给一万五公司转之前 先照顾一下马斯克~~

Omgoshhh all the Chinese bosses are busy talking to me ,,, they all sent me so much ,,, especially the black boss now with his birthday but the red boss didn’t go to his wife both the black and green went to their wife and sent me ,,, the red one didn’t send me that much but didn’t go to his wife lolllll all waiting to get my feedbacks so I chatted about my dad lolll ,,, my dad managed to pull through and found his 100K bravo ,,, I thought I would be saving his ass but I didn’t even finish on time yet darrnnnn it ,,, I’m giving Mr. Musk his first repost first just to say he’s always a first then I have to jump to my 15K companies cause I didn’t get finish those of you so I’m doing that right now ,,, thank you to Mr. Musk for his patience kindness and understanding ,,, he sent me a lottttttt through Tesla yesterday and I need to get to it still today ,,, don’t worry I just talked to the Chinese bosses that I need to stay focused for my work and I need to keep on excelling myself and they can talk to their wives all they want to and talk to me at the same time which is what they do anyway so I’m just coool with that yahh so ,,, I’m all up to work now giving Mr. Musk his first repost first and formost and then moving to my 15K companies !!! Let’s go right now !!!! Let me do it today and finish the job let’s goooooo love love love Mr. Musk and love love love my boss and love love love everyone

May many of us has the same thoughts—-A lady asked Work Friend: "I’m a 60-year-old white woman who has been at my company for over 20 years. I used to think I was a good manager. I understood the organization and my role in it. I was good at developing staff and setting them up to succeed. I loved my job.
Since 2020, I’ve become increasingly unsure and exhausted. So many company policies have changed over the past three-plus years, I barely recognize the place. The work culture I thrived in no longer exists. Most days, I sit alone in my office, in a mostly empty building, taking virtual meetings, and wondering what I’m doing here.
I may never meet some of my newer staff and colleagues in person. Many of my co-workers and supervisees seem to feel some combination of entitled, indifferent or judgmental. While I hold strongly progressive views, younger staff assume I’m a 'Karen' and have no problem correcting me when they think something I have done or said (or even an emoji) does not meet their standard. I no longer know how to connect with them.
I am not yet eligible to retire, unlikely at my age to find another job that pays nearly as well and not cut out for quiet quitting. I remind myself daily that I am lucky and privileged in many ways. But I am drowning. How can I remain relevant in this strange new world?"

#辽宁男篮[超话]#As an adult, one cannot have any preferences or hobbies. With a population of 1.4 billion in China, so many people sit in venues and watch live competitions. No matter what I buy or go, I must be constrained. What's the point of living? Yes, I haven't found a job, I don't have a source of income, and I don't know who said during the Chinese New Year that I would keep the lucky money for myself. So far, I haven't spent any the lccky money.Studying or exercising everyday. I'm not a robot, but I have my own thoughts. If this continues, I don't want to go home for the Chinese New Year in the future.Just because the ticket price is 280 RMB, I never asked for any branded shoes or clothes, right?[微笑][苦涩]

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