那个现在快10点了啊、、、我在想我要是继续完成得熬到三四点了、、、所以还是先睡了 明天早起吧 明天早六点起来继续工作 今天上传速度太慢了 本来节奏还挺快的、、、希望明天也是快的~~ 然后今天是我一周一日的主厨‍时间、、由于这周太过紧张 今天就没有做饭了 就做了一个简易版的拌酸奶 我老喜欢吃这个了 哈哈哈哈 健康好吃又营养 好吧 然后至于回复的话 怎么都在给我发啊 好多啊啊啊 回不过来啦今天 又该说我紫色了 那就说我紫色吧 今天我不想回了 我明天回 回了又该说我不白色了 真地是太多人要回了吧~~ 不过也就是这些人啦、、、您们都各忙各的就行啦 我今天早点睡 明天再说 因为我要早点完成工作 所以得早睡早起 比较有效率一些~~ 现在就先睡啦~~~ 您们就先忙吧 我爱妈妈咪~~ 今天到现在为止大家还都挺好的 那我就紫色一回 先不回啦~~ 您们先忙 我明天再回 明天再不白色吧 现在都不熬夜了~~ 要更加白色才行、、、现在的流行色 白紫~~~ 好的 那我睡啦 先下啦~~~ 易咪咪等消息呢吧 明天再和您说吧~~~ 明天说下这几天的计划 现在要先睡啦~~ 明早六点起~~~ 安安咪 安安咪~~ 爱妈妈咪~~~ 爱爱咪 安安咪

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, so it’s already 10 o’clock and if I were to finish all the 15K companies it would be like 3-4 o’clock again ,,, and today I was on a good roll until the upload speed got really slow ,,, but I plan to go to sleep again and wake up early tmr at 6AM to work ,,, I wake up at 6 so by the time I check the news and get all my sets ready it’d be a little past 6 unless I say I’ll be on / uploading my sets 6 ,,, waking up at 6 but I should be on after that so it shouldn’t be that much different I just don’t want people to say how come I don’t see you at 6 on the dot ,,, it’s because I’m just waking up at 6 ,,, so yahhh and this is my weekly cooking session day and I’m supposed to make something today but I didn’t plan anything for this week cause it’s too jammed packed and I’m all behind with work and have major catch up to do ,,, but I still managed to put together something quick if you are on the go ,,, I freakin love yogurt parfaits so I’ve been eating this actually and it’s nutritious and yummy ,,, I keep gaining weight cause I eat this on top of my normal meals okayyy have to watch out still overweight these days and need to lose my pounds ,,, the weekly cook out session doesn’t really help cause they always taste so good arrrghhh and I can’t help it lolll ,,, but yahhh going to sleep now and waking up tmr to finish the 15K companies and Mr. Musk is on his second rounds already with major Tesla entries ,,, I’ll do it after I finish my quota for the 15K companies cause I’m like super behind,,, gotta catch up tmr so see y’all tmr morning early ,,, I’m waking up at 6 and I’ll see y’all soon after okayyyy love love love everyone night my lovessss love love love my beautiful sweet incredible amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone

这个日历的月份背面也太好看了还有这些短句看了heart软软[泪] 热恋姐我唯一的姐

1、A million times over I will always choose you.

2、If I could rearrange the alphabet , I’d put Y and L together.

3、Love is a fire which burns unseen.

4、When the words“I love you ” went did by you for the first time,my world blossoms.

5、I miss you so deepty that my love just like a kite has broken it's line and won't stop liying until it reaches you at last.

6、Love understands love :it needs (这一句实在没看清后面是什么)
7、 I perfer having your accompanying for life long time to the short-time lenderness.

8、I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so that to warm you heart.

9、I my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.

10、Look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me.

11和12:You are the one I have been looking for.



都在发呢现在 中国的朋友们晚安啊~~~还有韩国的朋友们也晚安~~~ awww I saw it’s Weylie’s birthday sent through Sophie right now going to put it on for Weylie’s birthday just because I’m kinda finishing pretty fast today for my quota’s today already done for all the YouTube / google ones,,, and they are all lovely YouTubers and also saw Amy posting the other day haven’t seen her in the longest time and I was happy and delighted to see her and will be reposting more of y’all after I get caught up with my work k ,,, I’d imagine it wouldn’t be all birthdays for the next few months so I can do a lot of features for my lovely friends on this ,,, also saw Apple and Felix from Stray Kids again niceeee loveee to see my stray kids connecting ,,, I have followed the other 2 members who just started their instagram account like a few days ago so I’m all caught up with all of you ,,, today I’ll find some time to repost for stray kids and more of you later on tonight as I finish and get caught up with all of my work I’ll put in some time for more interactions with lovely people on this and social hours ,,, right now just doing my work office hours ,,, but thank you Felix for coming on ,,, and before I go for Apple next I’m going to do a happy birthday for Weylie hope it’s okay and not minded by the company / bosses ,,, I just wish I get to do people’s birthday right away so I don’t miss them laterrrr ,,, but yahh Weylie’s birthday next and then Apple and Felix and more Straykids reposts and more of you later tonight love love loveeee thank you everyone ,,, ohhh and Zuck’s company accounts are all posting too ,,,, I see Instagram ,,, I see the creator one for Instagram and what else I see ,,, I saw WhatsApp a lot yesterday yahhh just lovee seeing my company accounts so active and saying hello to all my bosses feels really nice to be working with everyone in the morning !!!! Loveee it super nice love love love thank you to Zuck and thank you to instagram !!! Can’t wait to see Zuck wearing one-sies in his secret Hawaiian compound really really soon lovesss heart heart heart

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