#Justerini[超话]##rini##justerinisandoval# 20240401
rinidawg 更新一则帖子:

It’s been one helluva journey but this music thing is coming to an end. This will be the last tour and there will be no more future release dates. Thank you to everyone who has been along this journey with me and supported me so far.

I am venturing on to a new found passion of mine and have finally have built enough courage to do it. I’m happy to be starting my endeavour in professional dog training.

A k9 training program will be coming to you guys this 2024, that I’ll be announcing very soon so keep your dawgs in the loop.

: @noahxkahlil

#愚人节玩笑真的是吓死我了[泪][泪][泪]# https://t.cn/RyIwR5M

3. There were many clothes (hanging) on the wall at her home.

4. In order to attract customers, the restaurants on that street provide various sorts of free services.

5. She opened the next room which had stood (empty) for months. She thought that this room should be fine for her guests.

6. When she was at home, she was (eager) to go to the United States, but when she was there, she just wanted to go back.

7. Bad weather delayed our (arrival) and we felt sorry for our friends waiting at the station.

8. He was considered as a (pioneer) in the field of earth science.

Ⅳ Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1. There are a couple of famous shops (on) the street near my home.

2. His research brought some serious environmental problems (to) the attention of the public.

3. His house is standing (on) the corner of Portland Street and you can't miss it.

4. The company went on to open more chain stores(连锁店) all (over) the over the country.

5. The house had two empty room which Miller turned (into) a study and an office.

6. Inside the warm room the little girl soon came (back) to life, and then she was sent home.

7. It is reported by the police that there are a lot of crimes in that neighborhood these days.

8. Don't go to that place in the evening as there are some young hanging (out) and looking for trouble.


Ⅴ Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets.

1. 由于我们的生意越来越好,我们迫切希望租更多的空闲商店。(be eager to)
We are eager to rent more empty stores, for for we are doing better in business. https://t.cn/RxejAOr

The following is an English translation:

Hello everyone! I am Yu Fenglian, a brain control victim from Hubei. Brain control dogs always use brain control weapons to control a large number of flies, mosquitoes, elephants, and even maggots, mice, etc. in their homes
The mosquito paper, mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent water, mosquito repellent tablets, etc. at home are useless, and the room is filled with flies, mosquitoes, insects, maggots, mice, and so on.
The brain controlled dog is really abnormal, using a brain controlled weapon to control maggots and crawl on my arms and legs
Sometimes while eating, a white maggot suddenly crawls out of the bowl.#王源[超话]#

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