
occasionally partly cloudy ⛅️ but still the weather is nice actually, and i got bitten a lot by mosquitoes actually~
hahahah ‍♀️
there're more, including my body~

i got ready to fall asleep around 12:2x am last night, woke up around 5:4x, not the first time i woke up during sleep, but the first time i went to grab my phone and check the time, before it I've had slightly headache and couldn't sleep deeply more well.

so, i am having slightly headache starts from sleeping last midnight till now.

and i dont have much soymilk left, so i added quite some hot water and a little black tea to go with the half steamed bun i left last lunch, not bad.

i didnt do meditation yesterday because i was kneading and watching dough with dregs of soybeans and also the temperature was not hot enough yesterday, i kept the dough in fridge for low temperature fermentation overnight, and now i am waiting for it to rise again and then steam them.

so far?
then good afternoon everyone~
love and see you~

又好慢了 上传速度、、、苹果今日,,, my upload speed is freakin slow again and that’s why need to get funded so bad so I can enjoy faster internet and the freedom of having 2 phones to check to not have to fight it with my mom and not being able to do work every time she’s out ,,, finally I’m getting done ,,, can’t be more excited ,,, so much anticipation ,,, excitement ,,, fear (what if money doesn’t come in ) all packed in one and the best way to combat all the uncertainty is through positive action so we need to keep going and will find out the best answers ,,, thank you Apple for your support since the beginning I love you love all my companies and bosses on this ,,, I love you all thank you for doing business with me and trusting in me and giving me this opportunity to let me serve you love you Apple

遛完了 扎克伯格今天有出来一下 我大概会每间公司转发两次今天的时间来说、、、I’m giving Zuck his repost first cause he came out today and it’s always nice to see him ,,, what a funny one today better than my one-sie joke that is Zuck’s forever funny character ever since the sunblock one from the start ,,, love the joke in this mannnn,,, I can’t wait to get my compound started like his Hawaiian mansion is going to be a big inspiration to make my really really cool too and let’s work on our similar big projects together so we can be pals and have similar things we work together on ,,, that’s going to be so exciting ,,, Ashley and I all really love home / room decors and everything pertaining to beauty and designs we loveeee so can’t wait to share with y’all when I really my place come to liveeee ,,, as I’m approaching to the end of my quota ,,, I start to fear what if money doesn’t come like all my previous experiences when I’m walking the dog and have nothing to dwell my mind on I just start flipping out like the worst case scenario again if money doesn’t come ohhh wellll life continues but I want to live a good life with all of y’all really bad so must make it happen ,,, please send me some assurance as I’m working towards the end of my mark and starts to worry about money and just hoping and praying that it will come this time ,,, cause i got 16 companies on the rosters paying me this time and 3 Chinese bosses that are paying ,,, the chances of everybody not paying ,,, I hope that’s not the case but I can feel lost until money is here so please cheer me on towards the very end to let me be assure of the result ,,, that will send me to paradise but yahhhh best to Zuck and his business and his family ,,, always nice to find out what’s been going on with him and his life loveee it for the share !!!! Thank you and love you Zuck !!!!

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