this work provides theoretical and empirical evidence that invariance-inducing regularizers can increase predictive accuracy for worst-case spatial transformations (spatial robustness). Evaluated on these adversarially transformed examples, standard and adversarial training with such regularizers achieves a relative error reduction of 20% for CIFAR-10 with the same computational budget. This even surpasses handcrafted spatial-equivariant networks. Furthermore, we observe for SVHN, known to have inherent variance in orientation, that robust training also improves standard accuracy on the test set. We prove that this no-trade-off phenomenon holds for adversarial examples from transformation groups.

What is called love.

I guess being in love isn't just about kissing, hugging, holding hands. It's not just a couple profile picture. Get a couple's name, open a couple's space, or wear a couple's outfit. And then all day long together, nothing to do each other delay.
There is such a passage in "Listening" : "Because of you, I am willing to become a better person, do not want to become your burden." So I worked hard just to prove that I was good enough for you. Good love. Must be mutual achievement and mutual growth.
I will not bind you in the name of love, you can do whatever you want to do, but I hope you can think of me before you do anything. And rejecting ambiguous people and things because of me
I hope we are not just talking about love, but trust, loyalty, and companionship. It's a test. Not only the sweetness of love, but also share happiness and pain with you, and when you can't go on, there will be a person around you who supports you unconditionally.
I hope we will always be faithful to love.
I see deer when the forest is deep, whales when the sea is blue, and you when I wake up.#小凡##小凡##小凡の# 唐小凡


it rained heavily last night, i heard thundering ⛈️ and opened my eyes from sleeping and then saw lightning , i didn't sleep well last night~
but the sun comes up and it's really hot outside~

i tried to fall asleep around 11:30pm, but it took some time to actually fall asleep and i kept waking up, but i didn't go to grab my phone, just kept trying to sleep, and then got up around 10am.
btw i don't go to see the Chinese medicine Dr today.
hahahah ‍♀️

i still drank soymilk by lunch and so far this is the 3rd day i haven't drunk caffeine.
잘한다 나~
and i didn't make that steamed bun, bought it long ago and forgot in the freezer, you can tell it's bigger than those i made, right? so i couldn't finish it, and actually i also feel those i made tasted better~

it's still cloudy when i just got up, and i was a little cold, so i am wearing long jeans , but it becomes hot and then i also turn on electric fan now~

i have a problem and been thinking of it occasionally, and yesterday i kinda came out with a conclusion.
in the past few years i dont have a harmonious relation with my families, actually i kinda withdraw from relationships with most people, but anyway, so they take pictures when gathering together, and i found they would take not nice pictures of me, but we dont communicate, and then i found their intention didnt improve much, so i become uncomfortable with them, and even we might have a better relation now, i still dont feel comfortable in their pictures, and it's been bothering me, i hope they hide/ delete/ take down all pictures of me from their social media, and i would try not to take pictures with them afterwards.
and then i thought when i die, i hope that no trace to prove that i was ever here, good or bad, i dont need to be remembered.
love, when being alive, and that's enough for me.
and this is a synchronicity with the channeled message yesterday.
i have been thinking of death these days, a lot.
when i die, it simply means i dont feel like to continue to creating this reality, or i leave this timeline, that's all.

so far?
then good afternoon everyone~

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