谷歌已经进入到四月第一周的业绩了、、、I’m reposting google along with the rest of the 6 companies even tho I’ve already completed its monthly quota just because I said I don’t want it to feel alone and left out and also I’m counting this entry in as my first one for week 1 of April so Google is ahead of everyone still and I also won’t forget to remind google for my extra reward lol lol even tho I’m running late for everybody else but still ahead of the game for google ,,, but I’m just going to repost one set for today tho cause I’m behind on everybody else but will mark it in my notes that I’m already on week one of April for google while everybody else is still on the last week of March ,,, thank you google for your training and good tips and mentoring for me to do my job consistently better even tho I’m kind of lacking these days and pissing Mr. Musk off but I’m eager to put in the time to make it all up for my job cause value it the most and the people on it the most love love love all my bosses and everyone so much and thank you and love you Google

罗意威的心意特别地好 好多狗狗的~~ 也是法国奢侈品集团的子公司、、Loweve also have a lot of nice thoughts just like Fendi the other day ,,, y’all do but since LVMH / my boss is paying me I gotta feature their brands first and then I’ll try to get to everybody since so many of y’all amazing fashion brands all do your awesome color editions with so much creative thoughts and arts I loveeee ,,, I put in Fendi and today I’m putting in Loweve with Jonathan Anderson with lots of details for dogs and this special artistic exhibition in Shanghai that looks really cool with all the Chinese elements as in antiques and vintage jewelry and so much more ,,, so interesting and amazing and I’m super glad to be meeting cool people on this and build bonds and friendships and have your free things just kidding I’m still broke these days don’t blame me but to learn and engage and exchange with coool and interesting people ,,, so so nice and so cooool ,,, glad I got to meet so many cool people through work seriously it’s phenomenal and what a dream job ,,, I can’t wait for what the future holds ,,, so excited and so amazing ,,,, love you all so so much loveee you for all your work and talent and thank you so much for your thought and heart in your work I sure appreciate it and will do my best to present you and thank back ,,,, it just takes a while but I do notice and will take the time to thank back okayy with time I shall and I must I love love love you all thank you thank you love you Loewe Love you LVMH and love you all fashion brands !!!!

苹果电视和苹果新闻、、from Apple TV and Apple News ,,, I’m also getting Apple TV after I’m funded and so many of your services I’m going to get it and become a customer just to support and besides the repost I can also do real life support series and I can think about that later as I’m so late and behind on my repost for the last month and first week of April already so I better hurry and finish everything today and actually have to go to the Chinese doctor tmr at noon so will be going then ,,, I might have to change around the content tonight and tmr morning cause there is a Chinese holiday today but I hope I can do and plan my job much better in the next month and months to come ,,, love love love you Apple my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone can’t wait to get paid in a few days wooooot

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  • 或许在芸芸众生中,能遇见便是幸,那些回不去的过往就让它随风飘散吧;那些在生命中稍作停留的匆匆过客,就让他成为昨日旧梦,从此不再忆不再念;那些荡漾在心间的情愫就让
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