#鹿晗# [太阳][太阳][太阳][太阳]

My two cents' worth

Saw a remark - "How could Luhan go around praising football player from other fanclub since he's a devoted fan to Manchester United FC?"

Sorry for the offence, I've a laugh at this statement made by a shallow minded solo player fan. Obviously this made a difference between a true soccer fan and a solo player fan

I might not play soccer or understand the rule of the soccer industry. But I believe every field share the same sentiments

A true soccer fan won't go around belittling players from other teams/Club, whereas they appreciate and respect them for their talents and contributions made to the industry

Same goes for Luhan's situation. During the interview, he didn't bad-mouthed the 2 well known figures even after their exit from the club. Even though he might have stop idolising them, he still respect them and full of praises for their talents and contributions. He have never once denied his passion for soccer and his admiration to the 2 mentioned figures remains cause their talents aren't deniable and he agrees wholeheartedly.

I see no wrong in him sharing his admiration for all individual talented soccer players even from other teams.

Thanks Luhan for the enlightenment. Hope every beautiful person be blessed with good luck

#鹿晗# [微笑][微笑][微笑]

Saw a remark - "How could Luhan go around praising football player from other fanclub since he's a devoted fan to Manchester United FC?"

Sorry for the offence, I've a laugh at this statement made by a shallow minded solo player fan. Obviously this made a difference between a true soccer fan and a solo player fan

I might not play soccer or understand the rule of the soccer industry. But I believe every field share the same sentiments

A true soccer fan won't go around belittling players from other teams/Club, whereas they appreciate and respect them for their talents and contributions to the industry

Same goes for Luhan's situation. During the interview, he didn't bad-mouth the 2 well known figures even after their exit from the club. Even though he might have stop idolising them, he still respect them and full of praises of their talents and contributions. He have never once denied his passion for soccer and his admiration to the 2 mentioned figures cause their talents aren't deniable and he agrees wholeheartedly.

I see no wrong in him sharing his admiration for all individual talented soccer players even from other teams

Thanks Luhan for the enlightenment. Hope every beautiful person be blessed with good luck


In my opinion, Luhan has a good upbringing. During the interview, I don't see him badmouthing the 2 mentioned well known figures. He might have stop idolised them but he still respects them for their talents and contributions to the sports industry. Please don't misinterpreted the information and reacted harshly

A true soccer lover won't go around belittling other players, whereas their talents and contributions should be recognised and appreciated despite being in different teams

Luhan's passion for soccer is well-known in the entertainment industry. For such beliefs, he has been building several soccer fields in many schools, bringing forward the joy to the kids. He and his team have never once thought of claiming the credit

I hope the best for LuHan and all other beautiful people around the world

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