还剩下三家公司三月的业绩指标就达标了 但是马斯克之前发的好多还没补上、、、Bank of America posted 2 days ago ,,, I feel like the banking and investment sector’s competition is fierce lolll am I wrong or right getting this undercurrent working in the field cause people would not appear if they got reposted after somebody and reappear when they are posted ahead of someone ,,, and it’s like every company that does that lolll ,,,, not sure if I should mention this but I might just mention anyway and then some show their attitude through not appearing that they might not be the happiest with the services and will come out occasionally when the timing is right,,, if I’m getting my way of things right with the people loll just documenting what I notice but my job is to encourage people to want to come out and engage and share more so we know what’s going on with you so always do okayyy ,,, super happy to see you on ,,, should see you like 2-3 times a week lolll but yahhh anyways Bank of America was on 2 days ago and actually it’s one of the banks that posts more often ,,, and JP Morgan finally caught back so I’m just hoping to see the rest of y’all more often too ,,, not sure if it’s preferred this conversation but I might just put it out there for what I see anyway to better lead with the subject and better encourage y’all to come out more later ,,, to make our experience most wonderful and my job the easiest but I loveee working with the banks and investment / finance sectors too ,,, something new and interesting and hope I can get everybody to engage and participate equally well and make sure everybody is happy on this ,,,, thank you for your support Bank of America I sure love to play golf !!!!


这是我去拍易烊千玺同款去韩国城吃饭的啦 其实是我给易烊千玺以前来洛杉矶的心意 拍他去的地方的打卡同款、、以前我有发过 但我又多弄了几张、、、最近男老板们普遍反映我用用滤镜(修图过重)所以这期上一下原图啦、、我都说了 我的这些个人照都是原图的了 因为我还不太会P图 所以我只会用滤镜啦、、我以前都是原图直出 但是我现在是真地老了 所以必须得美颜滤镜一下啦~~ 要是总在挑我面孔 颜值 外貌的 其实您就不必太关注我了 或者可以同时说啦 我都快40了 颜值怎么可能会一天比一天好、、、真地就快老了 所以我说了 我们就都交个朋友吧~~ 但是我也说了 您们都老了之后 这辈子可能还是会挺喜欢我的、、、因为你们也老了 你的美女们也老了、、如果你现在喜欢她 是因为外貌的话 那她的外貌也会没有了、、、你如果是喜欢我的才华和能力的话 那我这方面还可以升华和进步、、、所以我估计大家都老了 也会挺喜欢我的 因为70岁 80岁 90岁 还不是都老了 有什么好不好看的啊、、、只有在青春这会儿挑一下好看的外貌、、老了是肯定看这个人了、、、你80了 你老婆也80 你还会只挑外貌吗?!?也就现在这会儿挑挑外貌啦 然后我除了外貌以外的所有都是我比较杰出的闪光点 所以我估计我老了的时候依然会挺受欢迎的 我是指特别老了的时候 不过我相信您们还是会同时两边说的 这不就是您们心中最如意的算盘嘛、、我看那个绿色咪咪 那边找他一号说是二娘了、、您们都是想妻妾成群的吧、、、我的话呢 本来能好好好的话 是想本来好好好的 但是没好成的话 就都是朋友吧 有些关系近一些这样的了 就这样集体处着就行了 集体进步 攻击发展 一同向前就行了 也不用刻意怎么样了 反正我已经老了 就和大家好好地交朋友赚钱就行了、、、我已经说了 这个赚钱是最重要的、、、没钱我这些年实在是太苦了、、、所以一定要让家人和狗狗过上幸福的好日子 得好好努力地赚钱~~ 其他的都没关系啦 然后给爸爸妈妈和世界发展进步多贡献一点就可以啦~~~ 我挺开心的 很高兴认识你们 谢谢谢谢~~~ 相信我们这辈子也都会是不错的朋友~~~ 爱你们哦 爱妈妈咪噢 爱二老公 爱香菜 爱艾路威 爱大家咪 特别爱韩国咪咪们的哦 专门转发一些我去韩国城吃饭的送给韩国的朋友们了 很开心认识他们 和他们交流 结缘 是我很高兴的事 谢谢他们平日里对我的照顾关爱和关注 特别开心 特别喜欢 也特别谢谢他们啦 经常也会一起照顾他们的啦~~~ 希望他们也都开开心心的啦 我爱他们~~~ 谢谢妈妈咪 爱妈妈咪、、、好的 我现在去午休啦 大家晚安~~~ 晚安咪 亲亲咪 么么哒咪 谢谢韩国翻译大人帮我美言几句啦 抱歉等了这么久 我在我要完钱后会给他们多来点转发照顾的 谢谢他们了 很喜欢他们 也很高兴看见他们 我下面写了韩文了 哈哈啊哈哈 希望他们看到会高兴 定期会保持联系的 谢谢他们的支持啦 我也会经常支持他们的~~ 一起加油吧~~~

I did a K-town Korean food entry for my korean loves and a korean song but a Japanese title not sure why ,,, okayyy I was just chatting about my Chinese boss stuff above and they all got lots of girlfriends so I can talk to some of my korean friends and it’s okay ,,, really happy seeing them and I’ll repost them after I’m done asking for funds I’ll repost lots of them and really appreciate their suppprt and kind and warm loveee really happy seeing them on this all the time so I did some thank you Korean love series ,,,, okayyy I might take my noon nap now and walk the dog and when I’m all done later I will be finishing off for the rest of the companies and moving forward with payment plan ,,,, really need to focus on that part of the job and get it done to get my salary or my mom just wouldn’t let me ,,; so crazy it sucks to be in this household cause we are all broke and life is really hard well we stayed for 2 years in the car on the street so that’s how hard life was and now we are still broke ,,, so just can’t wait to change our life around for the better and be doing lots of creative work and inventing my new life and sharing with all of y’all ,,, thank y’all all my bosses and everyone for making it happen ,,, I love y’all my Korean loves and all loves ,,, thank y’all for everything love love love all your lovesss for everything heart heart heart love love love my beautiful sweet amazing bosses and love love love everyone ,,, and these are all no filters cause the Chinese bosses were complaining I use filters too much so here I got some filter free ones actually all my photos are not filtered except for my selfies these days,,, anyways yahhhh going to rest a bit and see y’all in the afternoon for more of our repost wrapping up for March yayyyyy finally hope my Korean loves will enjoy my quick mini edition with some thought and I’ll talk to everybody soon enough love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love you all nice amazing people heart heart heart more blue entries for sure after I’m funded then I can’t wait yessssssssssokayyy see y’all in the afternoon love love love heart heart heart

噢 易咪咪原来有给我发啊今天 昨天也有给我发了 那好吧 那好那好~~ 因为您份量比较重 您要是给我发猫 我会比较地不爽 不过你有特别自己给我发一下 那还行啦 毕竟还有别人 也是公道的 不过主要是您和别人都太忙啦 我在此照顾一下韩国的朋友们 昨天有过生日的 我好像正好昨天是用的她的电视剧的歌曲 那个歌曲封面上是她 她也经常会发狗狗 韩国的孔孝真 应该没说错吧 说错了韩国的翻译大人帮我更正一下爸爸、、然后Lisa 前几天也过生日啦 一起放过来~~ 然后金秀贤后来有发一个拍手的 哈哈哈 特别巧 我昨天正好梦见他了 然后醒来一打开 他就在拍手 哈哈哈哈哈 然后我又梦见了我好多的大学同学 因为我又整理了我的脸书(大学校友们)哈哈哈哈 今天会一起转发一些~~~ 然后还有Straykids的成员不久前发的 还有他们总统也是新发的 妈妈咪问候~~~ 更多的韩国转发我会放在我要钱之后的哈 包括他们那边很多很多都在发了 黄铉辰还有他们团体之前发了很多、、、我再过几天我要完钱再一起转 因为现在要钱 时间太紧张了 然后他们的总统老支持我 我就发一下~~ 大爱妈妈咪 也谢谢韩国咪~~ 都很爱大家和谢谢大家每一位支持我的朋友 感恩 感谢有你~~~ ‍♂️

I did a little bit of Korean repost cause some people were having their birthdays and some appeared today so it was really nice I’m putting them together ,,, and more of your reposts will follow after my payment request okayy ,,,, I will be reposting more for the Korean lovesss as promised to thanks ,,, and my local lovessss too I shall be reposting more of you ,,, saw Bruno Mars and Rocky just now coming on ,,, so hello to all my local loveessss love y’all so so much very happy to see all of you love love loveeeee I loveee everybody so much I talked to the Korean more in Chinese since I believe their translators translate from Chinese and it’s going to be pretty much the same thing if I say anything so I’ll just say it once and have the Korean translators help me ,,, anyways thank you to all the lovesss from Korea heart heart heart loveee to exchange with y’all always I love you everyone heart heart heart love love love

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