One of the characteristics that distinct plants and animals is photosynthesis, which is process that can produce glucose itself by using CO2 and sunlight. Let's see how this happens.

Light-dependent reaction
During this period, chloraplasts require light energy as we familiar with, at which oxygen and energy are produced.

First, light stimulates photosystem II (PS II), a large complex of proteins and pigments that absorbs light, and the energy is transfered to the chlorophyll called P680 at the center of PSII, boosting an electron to pass to a accepcter molecule. The hydrogen in water molecules provide electrons to replace the one in PSII, leaving oxygen atoms to form oxygen and released. Starts from PSII, the electron travels down the electron transport chain (ETC), lossing some of its energy, and the leaked energy pumps the hydrogen ions from stroma (outside) into thylakoid lamen (inside). The H+ gradient allows H+ to flow back to stroma by passing through ATP synthase and finally binds to ADP to form ATP.
At the same time, the electron continues its trip to PSI and joins the P700 chlorophyll. When light is absorbed by PSI and passed toward P700, the electron will again be boosted and pass along the second ETC to bind with H+ and NADP+ to form NADPH.

Light-independent reaction (Calvin cycle)
It is the period that the chloraplasts do not utilize light and the part that I think is the most difficult one to remember.
There are three steps:

Carbon Fixation
An enzyme nicknamed rubisco (RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase) catalyzes attachment of CO2 to a five-carbon sugar called ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). The resulting 6-carbon molecule is unstable, however, and quickly splits into two molecules of a three-carbon compound called 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA). Thus, for each CO2 that enters the cycle, two 3-PGA molecules are produced.

First, each molecule of 3-PGA receives a phosphate group from ATP, turning into a doubly phosphorylated molecule called 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (and leaving behind ADP as a by-product).
Second, the 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate molecules are reduced (gain electrons). Each molecule receives two electrons from NADPH and loses one of its phosphate groups, turning into a three-carbon sugar called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). This step produces NADP+ and phosphate (Pi) as by-products.
The ATP and NADPH used in these steps are both products of the light-dependent reactions (the first stage of photosynthesis). That is, the chemical energy of ATP and the reducing power of NADPH, both of which are generated using light energy, keep the Calvin cycle running. Reciprocally, the Calvin cycle regenerates ADP and NADP+, providing the substrates needed by the light-dependent reactions.

Some G3P molecules go to make glucose, while others must be recycled to regenerate the RuBP acceptor. Regeneration requires ATP and involves a complex network of reactions.
In order for one G3P to exit the cycle (and go towards glucose synthesis), three CO2 molecules must enter the cycle, providing three new atoms of fixed carbon. When three CO2 molecules enter the cycle, six G3P molecules are made. One exits the cycle and is used to make glucose, while the other five must be recycled to regenerate three molecules of the RuBP acceptor.

#上海chi k11美术馆# Caroline Walker 被看见的女性II,“家庭"系列,Walker最新系列的作品讲述了她的嫂子丽莎成为母亲之后的成长和转变,该系列通过展现丽莎的日常居家生活来展现她初为人母的责任,Walker捕捉描绘了丽莎在分娩前四周直至孩子满三个月期间所经历的变化,每一位初为人母的观者想必都能从中找到共鸣

【太阳报 - 11 月 9 日 20240406185203】
Ted Adachi 于 2020 年 11 月 9 日拍摄于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔
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版权:Ted Adachi


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