You can never take it from me when it's part of me‍♀️
TOAST TO … the relief of irritating snobs who've been racking their wits in secret but actually make little difference to ME and MY life[鲜花]Nasty and jealous as you are, you can never reach what i am. Soooo sorry for that[可怜]
Your anger rises wherever I'm pleased, but do NOT let the fire burn that much, or i will put it out by force once I'm offended enough We both know you'll have much more to bear[偷笑]
No warning‍♀️No threat‍♀️i call it ADVICE Mercy[握手]

In the blink of an eye, the tough period of fitting myself into this deceitful environment just went away slowly. It doesn’t not mean that now I’m fully understand the key of life, or the mask behind other’s face.But I’m dare to cut something silently from my days.

I did go through a hard time,extremely so confused but also attracted by what I’ve missed and what I’ve lost. But… So what? I’m happy to say that I’m always on the track of finding who I truly am, and longing to be a NEW CREATION.
Happy 26th Birthday.

Day 51
These day-offs remind me of something. In 2018,almost 6 years ago,my bro Wali has told me the Truth when he left (since he left we couldn’t meet again anymore even not any contact owing to some reasons, miss you, bro!). I think this is what the God wants to tell me just through Wali’s speech. But I just couldn’t get it and get rid of this suffering yet in the past years[摊手] Actually, Wali has told me a lot of lesson which is more helpful to my growth. Though we have met just for 4 months, it seems he had already known everything about me, and there was no doubt that he is a smart guy. But I just didn’t get it what he had told me…
Back to 2 years ago, that was the first date for me on April 4th as the same day offs as this year which I could well remember. In term to that relationship, I’ve got to say I didn’t obtain many joys or happiness but more for frustration. At the very beginning of the relationship, I acknowledge that I got a little precious joys and good moments, but as time went by, that relationship had changed completely owing to some issues,but her mindset counted on mostly…
Today the reflection I arises is not because I miss that relationship, but it’s about my thoughts on my destiny and the Truth my bro told me. Now I absolutely realise the lesson that relationship won’t solve all my issues, and I got to go find something worths doing. And this Truth will always benefit me!

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  • 的最近1️⃣刚把夏天的衣服寄走墨尔本的气温就蹭蹭蹭28 29直奔30度2️⃣出去了两天攒下来要洗的脏衣服,结果今天是这么个鬼天气,外面妖风呼啦呼啦吹了一天了3️
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