

  《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》第一百一十二条第一款和《广东省机动车排气污染防治条例》第三十三条 规定



出道综OSHI NO GIRLS https://t.cn/A6TXLHaa
去日本的qwer https://t.cn/A6TXLHaX
李始燕的居酒屋 https://t.cn/A6TXLHa0
吃饭吧 老头熙 https://t.cn/A6TXLHao

冰箱访谈 https://t.cn/A6TXLHap
231211 https://t.cn/A6TXLHai
大家都很擅长唱歌 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaT

《Harmony of stars+Discord》https://t.cn/A6TXLHaO
《T.B.H》 https://t.cn/A6TXLHa6
《Shine All Night》 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaS
231118 英雄联盟音乐节 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaJ
240317 军队慰问演出 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaN
240331星星的和谐 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaM
240331 校园突击公演 https://t.cn/A6TXLHaK
(G)I-DLE -fate https://t.cn/A6TXLHaW

Magenta X Zoodasa
白艺潾-Love Love Love https://t.cn/A6TXLHaI

Ariana Grande-Santa Tell me https://t.cn/A6TXL8r4

chodan@ chodan_
官方@ QWER_Band_Official

magenta: magenta_6262
hina: i_am_young22
siyeon: siyo.co.kr

magenta:@ magentaof62
hina: @ hapycb
siyeon:@ siyo_min
官方:@ QWER_BAND_81

芝士奶盖白咕咕 https://t.cn/A6TXL8rU
UnsereGalaxis https://t.cn/A6TXL8rb

Travel : Not To Escape From Life : But For Life To Not To Escape From Us.

I think, one day once my business is little bit settled (Hope it is within 2024), I will go around the world for travel.
To hike Alps mountains in Europe, to see the sunrise in Kilimanjaro, to trekking in Santiago in Spain…. To see the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, To sail in the strait of Magellan, to have safaris in African deep forests, and the bucket list keep going on and on…
Maybe for a year… Maybe half a year and do it twice…
Maybe with my true love, if I had one that time, or with one of my good friends.
To see the world, to make memories, to meet new people,
To Have some happy and delighted experiences….
To hike some high mountains and feel achieved….
To write a book, and read it again and again, until I feel that it is perfect….
To travel 7 days in train from Vladivostok to St Petersburg, (Like I used to read in my favorite novels, when I was a teenager)…
Life is meant to be filled with amazing experiences. We are supposed to go around the world and see what marvels out there. That’s why we were born as humans. Otherwise we would be trees.
When I was a sailor, long time back, when I was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean, and when there is a storm…. And it is so hard to sleep at night, I used to read the books by Paulo Coelho, which made me so motivated to have an adventurous life.

Just like Capt Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean”…
He is my idol in life in many ways. My fellow sailors used to call me by the nick name “Sparrow”… and the name “Jack Sparrow” fascinated me so much, and then when I first started my business, I named it “Foshan Captain Jack Trading Co., Ltd”… (Later I changed it of course).
And in the middle of the vast ocean, where there is no other humans or ships for thousands of miles, and there is a storm which could take our lives in a matter of minutes and send us to the depth of the ocean, I was terrified in the beginning. But then slowly getting used to this feeling of being at the edge of the life, knowing that any moment, could be the last moment of my life, I started to think, how and why we should cherish those precious small things in life… things life, love, friends, memories and feeling alive.
Those were the moments I felt truly alive, and changed my mindset in to a different direction of thinking and life path. And same thinking, same books I read, same movies I watched, diverted my life path from being a marine engineer to becoming a businessman, and chase different and much bigger dreams.
Those were the moments gave me motivation to take huge risks in life, to set my path different from everyone around me, and make my own path for life.
Watching Mr. OTTO’s life, I started thinking how there are so many similarities…. I am not trying to compare myself or my life to a movie. I think movies like this, we all can watch it, and we will find several similarities. And make us think twice or thrice or even twenty times, at our own lives, and think if this is the right path we are walking….
Before it’s too late ~

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