苹果我感觉好像也没发似的 早先发这个内容 让先开会的、、、okayyy looks like Apple hasn’t sent out the payment ??!? Cause I saw this clip on Apple TV 6 hours ago asking for a meeting to get everyone together and I haven’t checked my mom’s bank account that time and it wants a meeting first so I assume it wants to have a meeting before sending out the money ,,; okayyy we can do that tmr ,,, but then the payment is for March it’s really just work done ,,, unless there is something you are absolutely unhappy with or it’s just like paying after you eat dinner or paying after you stay at a hotel ,,, there shouldn’t have to be a meeting needed to get people to pay for work already done for a month ,,; that’s my side of the argument but you can argue otherwise and I’ll hear you out tmr since it’s 10:48 my bad ,,, I just want to get this thing done sooner do I can get with the program faster for April but then I guess I am doing content for April and there are a few company that did come out for the 15K such as JP Morgan ,,, Proctor & Gamble ,,, Temu ,,, Mercedes Benz and Citibank which I want to repost today but will be doing the 15K companies tmr and then also let me know what can I do for the 30K companies for the people that haven’t paid yet or all have already paid please let me know ,,, seems like Google has already paid ?!?? LVMH sent me a bunch of good notes and Mr. Musk and Mr. Bezos both sent me some nice ones this morning ,,, so as Zuck so I’m curious to know where everybody is at with their payments ,,, Microsoft and Apple seems a bit insured with their payments or im insured or I could be wrong ,,; but let me try to make it right for y’all and let me know if there is something I can do to have you complete the payment ,,, you can let me know tmr ,,, I guess I can also do work the same time for April now that I communicate this way it’s like doing my April quota which is not too bad at the same time but let’s catch up tmr then cause it’s 11 o’clock and I have to quickly cover the Chinese bosses too cause they stilll owe me 3 million dollars from what was promised ,,, damnn haven’t had my luck with the payments ,,,, hopefully I don’t have to go get a job outside but maybe we will hear some good news tmr ,,, love love love my beautiful sweet incredible amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone let’s have more meetings tmr then !!! Love love love you all so so much thank you for hearing with me through this time ,,, hoping for some good news soon

#Peruvian Blueberry Sector Pursues Reboot After Historic Drop in Exports#The 2023/24 Peruvian blueberry season was marked by a considerable drop in production. Commercial blueberry farming, a relatively new agribusiness in the country, had been on the rise for over a decade before being hit by El Niño and its higher temperatures last year. According to Peru’s National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (SENAMHI), the country saw its warmest winter in 63 years in 2023 with the greatest impact felt in the north, where most of Peru’s blueberry plantations are located.……https://t.cn/A6ToUuu5 image:pixabay

1.green is the colour
2.beautiful ones/500 miles
3.summertime sadness
4.let it be
5.paranoid-Black Sabbath
6.i was made for loving you
7.April-Deep Purple
8.alcohol-The Kinks
9. baby o‘riley
10.all by myself
11.shine on you crazy diamond
13.stairway to heaven
14.wonderful tonight
15.house of the rising sun-The Animals
16.shine on you crazy diamond
20.wish you were here
21.hey Jude????/Johnny B. goode
22.free bird
23.blowing in the wind
24.led zeppelin的歌
25.while my guitar gently weeps

wearing the inside out
26.don‘t let me down
27.where did you sleep last night纽约不插电
28.dancing with the moonlit knight
29. 世界が终るまでは…
30.behind blue eyes

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