How sweet歌詞!(疑似)
"I won't wait, i'm feeling. My own way, i'm in it. Cause me & you are different. So I won't stay. I'm leaving. I won't wait, i'm feeling. My own way i'm in it. And you don't know how sweet it tastes. Ya don't you know sweet it tastes. Ya don't know how sweet it tastes. Now that i'm without you"

I don’t know how to explain what happened to me these days. I had a big quarrel with Lucas and we fighted and I scratched him on the chin. We both said many heartbreaking words to each other, and both of us were very disappointed. I moved out of his apartment. To be honest, I had a been upset for quite a long time because of my passive situation. Every time I cannot take the lead of myself, I’ll be down. I was even sadder when he was helping me package up hastily. It was like, he has been looking forward to my left for long time. Also, I was feeling myself abandoned as an object. This feeling has been haunting my whole life repeatedly, over and over again. Corinne said probably it was because I experienced some mental trauma in my childhood. I don’t know, but I do know this is not the first time and won’t be the last time of feeling it.
I’ve been reflecting on myself frequently these days, mostly about the relationship between me and Lucas, and also about Corinne and Max. I blamed myself for believe in Lucas’s over commitment. I regrettd for being so close to Max. I looked down upon myself for overreliance on others. I hated myself for wanting so much I resented my unrealistic ambition.
I was thankful for Lucas’s gentleness, Corinne's care, and my parents' support. Now, I need to reconsider my life path. How can I balance all these things? How can I continue speaking English? How can I find a less stressful and quieter social environment? How can I be an excellent teacher? How can I get a boyfriend who is tall and strong and always the hero for me? At the meantime, how can I take my parents’ feelings into consideration?
No matter how, the truth is, being aware of who we are, where we are from, and where we should go is always a lifelong task.
I still desire a low-key and safe relationship without overcommitment without overreliance, and without the need to show it off to others. I’ll continue finding it.

【官方榜一号】新西兰NZ TOP40

Taylor Swift打破新西兰双榜纪录。
凭借新专辑The Tortured Poets Department成功登顶榜单,拿下个人职业生涯第14张冠军大碟,成为新西兰官方榜专辑冠军数量纪录的保持者。

1.The Tortured Poets Department (NEW)
8.1989 (Taylor's Version) (26周)
34.Speak Now (Taylor's Version) (42周)

2.Lover (123周)
4.Midnights (79周)
5.folklore (172周)
6.reputation (124周)
18.evermore (103周)
33.Red (Taylor's Version) (96周)
36.1989 (154周)

1.Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) (NEW)
3.Down Bad (NEW)
4.The Tortured Poets Department (NEW)
5.So Long, London (NEW)
6.I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (NEW)
7.My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys (NEW)
8.But Daddy I Love Him (NEW)
9.Florida!!! (feat.Florence + The Machine) (NEW)
10.Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me (NEW)
11.Guilty As Sin? (NEW)
15.Fresh Out The Slammer (NEW)
16.loml (NEW)
17.The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (NEW)
19.The Alchemy (NEW)
21.I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
22.Clara Bow (NEW)
26.The Black Dog (NEW)
30.imgonnagetyouback (NEW)
33.So High School (NEW)
35.The Albatross (NEW)
37.The Prophecy (NEW)
38.How Did It End? (NEW)

旧作品榜 (单曲)
40.Anti-Hero (53周)

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