Img src pinterest 我不轻易说爱也不相信,甚至无法回答什么是真爱。他问我为什么每次都是他打给我?我定住了,因为我不知不觉伤别人心,都不知,口头蚕,I dunno. 为什么会执着的喜欢我?我问,回答是喜欢我的无介心的开朗。其实我有另一面,经过坚心万难,伤痕累累的一面,所以我是对自己说well done! good job! I am a Leo, charsimatic, strong analytical skills, interpersonal skills, orthodox und unorthodox I get things done to satisficatory. 写日记是爸爸曾叫我做的事情。现在我用这方法舒解情绪的起落,加进我对自己的了解,顺便调整心态。这方法对我个人是有帮助的。交游广,可以满场飞,去到哪都有人注视到我,they told me, 可我喜欢自由,放飞,放纵,想飞,也飞到像是做公车。The impermenance of all. The significance of the Now. I start to live. I thank the Universe for the still fresh air that we can breathe. Love and Light. I truly love to see the light in the eyes of the people I met. They shine so bright like the star. It is a really good feeling. Love it, so warm, so light.

To be held on 4 & 5 May 2024, the Hong Kong Whisky Festival is one of the biggest whisky festival and educational events in Hong Kong. Once again, exciting happenings will take up four floors of the hotel. An annual occasion to celebrate whiskies, these two days will feature over 1,100 different spirits, alongside an array of over 35 inciting master classes hosted by diverse brand ambassadors. Hong Kong Whisky Festival offers whisky enthusiasts at all levels an opportunity to engage with industry experts with distilleries, expand their whisky spectrum and indulge in limited edition whiskies.

“This iconic whisky event is expected to be bigger and better. With exhibitors of well-known brands, old and rare independent bottles, brand ambassadors and master classes of diverse pricings and tasting ranges, we are humbled to play a role in spirit education in the city. I am confident that this year we will appeal to all whisky lovers and promote whisky education, encompassing everyone from the novice to the connoisseur through numerous master classes,” said Mr. Lars Ruecker, Director of Food & Beverage, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong.


Besides the well-known Scottish and Japanese whiskies, the Hong Kong Whisky Festival will also showcase whiskies from Taiwan, India, Israel, Ireland, USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, England, Netherlands and more.

Vintage Bottlers, an award-winning independent Scottish bottler, will bring in various expressions from 17 to 32yo.
Compass Box, a Scotch whisky-maker dedicated in the craftsmanship of blending whiskies from around the globe, will be represented in Hong Kong for the first time by Brand Ambassador Mr. Leo Korenbaum.

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The alfresco garden of Tiffany’s New York Bar will be the ideal placen to relax with a cigar and to

match with a whisky or cocktail. The cigar collection is curated by Cigraal, better known as Bertie Hong Kong.

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Old & Rare bottles will be available to try at numerous exhibitors. Whiskies from the 70s and 80s and whiskies with a high age can be tried and compared to recent releases. In addition, many newly released whiskies will be presented during the Hong Kong Whisky Festival for the first time in Hong Kong.

A prelude to this Whisky festival, Tiffany’s New York Bar will transform into a cocktail heaven led by Sune Urth of Copenhagen Distillery and Katsuhisa Hirakawa, on the evening of 3 May 2024.

#罗云熙[超话]# ❅°#罗云熙江心白# ︎❅°#罗云熙颜心记# ❅°#2024爱奇艺未来片单#


I will be there
牽著你 牽著你手
I will be there
看著你 看著你走

I will be there
Watching you watching you grow
I will be there
Holding you holding you close


惟願共白首 餘生長相伴@罗云熙Leo
⌘ #颜心记命定冤家版预告# ⌘
⌘ #罗云熙首场个人演唱会# ⌘ #罗云熙此刻x以光演唱会# ⌘

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
  • 阴阳神变皆可测,不测人间笑是瞋,   天可度唐白居易    天可度,  地可量,  唯有人心不可防。劝君掇蜂君莫掇,使君父子成豺狼。
  • 我智商低,但肯定不傻,很多事,我都能看明白,只是不想说而已;因为人有时太聪明了会很累,有时候糊涂一些更快乐。我不喜欢勾心斗角,也不喜欢被算计,我喜欢和真实的朋友
  • 她们看到了会很开心吧……”你会嘀嘀咕咕的说这些吧。 嘉尔说他从小看你长大你真的很善良 斑斑说粉丝认识的你就是他私底下认识的你 荣荣说你很善良两次隐藏摄像后想的都
  • 防城港候鸟找房网带您一起去看海,吃生猛海鲜·游生态港城,玩开海节!东方市最早的居民是黎族同胞,早在四千年前的新石器时代,就有黎族同胞在这里繁衍生息。
  • 我吴昊桐身上的冤亲债主,不管我今生累世正杀误杀,伤到得罪过的,口语业身的,请放下执念,早日成佛,不要冤冤相报,南无大愿地藏王菩萨,南无大愿地藏王菩萨,南无大愿地
  • 三教论“道”作为哲学范畴的“道”所反映的是世界的规律、原理、本原、本体。道家,道家的“道 ”说的就是宇宙的本原和规律,《道德经》就是关于这种“道”的经典论述。
  • #0904段宜恩生日快乐# 祝恩恩生日快乐 每天都要开开心心 健健康康[笑哈哈]恩恩真的很善良很暖 经常表达对粉丝的爱 让我们也知道你的想法[羞嗒嗒]希望以后可
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  • HI!大家期待很久的配饰分享终于来啦! 很详细的分享了近期最喜欢最常用的 皮带和最近很喜欢的替换包链 大多都是TB可以买到的平价款哦~ 但是质感都是我精挑细选过
  • 因为第三件不要钱!#母婴v时代##母婴育儿##萌娃养成记##萌娃养成记##大米诞生记##萌娃[超话]##产后瘦身##月子餐##坐月子##育儿##育儿分享# 3⃣
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  • 我的旅程,十分有意义~期待武汉遇到新的朋友们,发生新的故事,开启新的人生旅程btw,心心念念的美签也通过了,9月,诸事顺利 恤毛饮血时代,确是多劳多得,进入社会
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  • 2.新闻称,他的公司不仅开始重组,欠下的巨额债务,也已偿还超过30亿美元。当然了,想达到这个层级有相当难度的,所以民间老百姓的见闻还是觉得女人强对老公不利。
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  • 我如果遇到的不是让自己日日夜夜心心念着的那种喜欢的人是绝对不会搞对象的恋爱不能将就但是如果到了一定的年龄真想安定下来可能会跟合适的人结婚看对方人品 能力 家庭
  • YO~ 下周终于要见到@StephenCurry !6/29上海,我MC韩小潮要重出江湖了~ 转发此条微博并关注@UnderArmour,抽两位朋友送出此次UA
  • 快来康康我们的拼团!价格是1400円一发,不能便利店支付的话75含国际,能便利店支付实时+0.003不含,热门有调有捆,项链/戒指都能排(不成砍配比,未标余三,
  • 那么最初售价比双十二售价高百分之几?(答案保留一位小数)A.48.7 B.58.7 C.68.7 D.78.74.2014年某货品的购买价格是150元/克,20
  • 少年时期的姚振华较为普通,唯一的亮点是1988年考入华南理工大学工业管理工程和食品工程双专业,当时广东省一共只有两所“985院校”华南理工和中山大学。当时国家有