Hi Fourth! We are so glad to have you on our cover again. How have you been since the last time we did a photoshoot with you?
A lot has happened, for sure. I was filming a new series, as well as working on a new song.

When we interviewed you last year, you were not so sure about your confidence in acting. Now — a year later — would you say that has changed?
Since the days of my school president, I’ve taken on more roles and cultivated new experiences. I would like to think — or hope — that I’m definitely more confident now.

You also mentioned that the best advice you ever received was to “seize every opportunity”. Now that it has been a year and you are (almost) one year older, would you say you have seized them all?
I wouldn’t be so eager to say I have. There’s still more room for me to grow, to experience and learn new things each day. I still take every opportunity as a gift for growth.

Now that you are well into your career, and it has been a year since you started university, would you say your life is more balanced now?
I would like to think so. So far, I’ve tried to draw a line between the two schedules I have. Like any other actors in the same field, work would always still be as serious for sure.

Can you share with us something that has made you laugh this week?
My interactions with my fans. [Laughs] They’re always saying silly things that make me laugh.

Let us talk about Milan it was one of many firsts — your first time in the city and attending fashion week with ZEGNA. Tell us more about how you felt, were you nervous?
It was the first time I felt excited about something this enormous. I was definitely nervous, as you already know; going to Milan and attending fashion week was something I had never imagined I would be able to do.

What are your thoughts on the ZEGNA collection? Any favourites that caught your eye?
The jackets, for sure. It’s the one thing that fits any occasion, and I can wear them for a long time. These are the kinds of things that I look out for.

You also chose your outfit for the show, and the fans enjoyed your decision. What do you usually look out for when it comes to fashion?
I would like to think I am fashionable. [Laughs] Normally, I wouldn’t pick something that is so “fierce”. But like I said, I usually look for something that I can wear all the time and have features that suit my personality.

You also mentioned being excited to try Italian food in Italy What is your favourite dish that you tried while you were there?
I absolutely forgot the name of the food! It was a pasta-style dish, and it was definitely one of my favourites for sure.

You have also travelled a lot with Gemini. What are some things about him that endure you the most as friends?
Gemini and I have come a long way now. We’ve worked together for so long. He’s the kind of person you’d look forward to seeing at work. I’m just glad to still be able to work with him.

You seem to take the GMMTV Star Olympics very seriously, and sports are an extracurricular activity that you participate in in school as well. Have sports been a hobby since you were young?
I’m a fan of football. It’s the one sport I’ve been playing since I was a kid. Now that I’ve thought about it, it’s actually quite cool to be able to play it for work as well.

By the way, congratulations on the release of your new single, “Candidate”. Are you proud of the reception it received?
Of course. I really like the song; it’s the kind of upbeat music that makes everyone happy. Who wouldn’t like that?

How did you react when the single was first released?
I was curious to know if my fans would enjoy it. Most importantly, is it the kind of song they’ll have fun with?

How did your family react to it?
They love it. I’m grateful for that.

What about dancing? Do you think you are a natural dancer? Or was a lot of training involved in preparing for the music video?
I would like to think I can dance well. Overall, it’s fun for me, and I really enjoy it, but I might need more practice to fully be confident in it.

What have you prepared for 2024 that you can share?
My main focus is to really get to know my fans and try new things, which is very important to me.

I am sure we will see you soon. In the meantime, what is something you would like to think back on before you turn 20 years old?
It’s crazy to think that’s coming very soon right now, I’m actually quite satisfied with the things I’ve achieved. And the credit really goes to my fans, who are there every day. Thanks for being on this journey with me.

Spirulina is a nutritional supplement with a wide range of activities. It has a high content of easily absorbed protein, vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the human body, which makes it a great food for the 21st century. It is thanks to this unique nutritional value that spirulina enriches the diet of astronauts on space expeditions.

Spirulina first appeared on earth about 3.5 billion years ago, it is one of the oldest forms of life on earth. It lives naturally in shallow ponds and lakes with high pH and high salt content-in Africa, Asia and South America.

The biomass of these green-blue cyanobacteria has long been part of the diet of the Aztecs and African tribes living around Lake Chad. For modern Western people, Spirulina was discovered in 1940 and has been intensively studied by various researches since the mid-1960s. That is why we know its composition, high nutritional value and benefits for human health so well.

Spirulina is very rich in protein-the protein content in dry matter is about 70 %. It is a source of vitamins such as e.g. A (the vitamin is mainly present in the form of the precursor β-carotene 700-1700 mg/kg), B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, but it is also asource of magnesium,potassium,phosphorus, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium, sodium as well as zinc. Iron from spirulina is also worthy of special attention. It is assimilated twice as much as from animal products. This is due to the porphyrin structure of the phycocyanin contained in the algae’s cells, which is capable of forming complexes with iron.Moreover, exceptional properties of spirulina have been appreciated in the field of cosmetology, but also in biotechnology, e. g. in the production of dietary supplements.Possible effects of the components of the preparation:Vitamin A contributes to normal iron metabolism, maintenance of normal skin, vision, immune system.Vitamin B12 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, psychological function, red blood cell formation, immune system, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, has a role in the process of cell division.Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, homocysteine metabolism, protein and glycogen metabolism, red blood cell formation, immune system, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, regulation of hormonal activity.Vitamin C contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise, collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, collagen formation for the normal function of bones, skin, functioning of the nervous system, immune system, protection of cells from oxidative stress, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E and increases iron absorption.
Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus, blood calcium levels, maintenance of normal bones, muscle funkcjion, has a role in the process of cell division.Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.Vitamin K contributes to the maintenance of normal bones.Zinc contributes to normal acid-base metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, cognitive function, DNA synthesis, fertility and reproduction, macronutrient metabolism, metabolism of fatty acids, metabolism of vitamin A, normal protein synthesis, normal testosterone levels in the blood, immune sysyem, protection of cells from oxidative stress and has a role in the process of cell division.Thiamine (B1) contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, function of the heart.Riboflavin (B2) contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, mucous membranes, e of normal red blood cells, metabolism of iron,oxidative stress and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
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Combined injuries to the head, chest, and limbs

Russian Field Hospital - Cluster munitions.

The helmet was not fastened and flew off the head due to the impact.
Two small fragments flew under the body armor. Well, this is from the words of the wounded man.
This actually happens. And it happens that to lighten the weight, fighters remove the side plates. It happens too.
In any case, we do not recommend neglecting protection. It saves very, very often. It’s good that in this case there were no serious complications in vital areas of the body.

The wounded man was brought in an hour after being wounded.
The tourniquet in the upper third of the forearm was tightened effectively. After it weakened, the bleeding did not resume.
Consciousness is clear. The skin and visible mucous membranes are of normal physiological color.
No symptoms of focal brain disorders were identified. However, just like general cerebral ones. Pupils D=S.
AD 105/70, Ps 97

Combined injuries to the head, chest, and limbs.
Closed craniocerebral injury. Shrapnel tangential non-penetrating wound of the left temporal region.
Shrapnel multiple blind non-penetrating chest wound on the left.
Open fracture of both bones of the right forearm in the lower third with an extensive soft tissue defect.
Shrapnel tangential wound of soft tissue of the hip area on the left.
Shrapnel tangential wound of the plantar side of the right foot.

- tourniquet control: the tourniquet is removed. No major vessels were damaged, there was no bleeding.
- placement of a central venous catheter in the right subclavian vein
- nefopam 20 mg IV
- ketorolac 30 mg IV
- analgin 1g IV
- diphenhydramine 10 mg IV
- metoclopramide 10 mg IV
- wound care
- closing the forearm wound with aseptic napkins with chlorhexidine, fixing with a bandage, immobilizing the limb with a flexible splint
- closing the head wound with aseptic napkins with chlorhexidine, fixing with an aseptic bandage
- closing other wounds with aseptic wipes with chlorhexidine, plasters
- tranexamic acid 750 mg IV
- ceftriaxone 2g IV
- EA solution
- NaCl, Ringer's solution - 600ml

The wounded man was safely transported to the next stage of evacuation.

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