近年来,随着服务管理工具与#ITIL® 4#最佳实践的持续结合,许多企业正发生着超乎传统IT部门预料的迅速变化。

根据#PeopleCert#旗下ITIL认证工具供应商Aranda Software公司服务管理产品经理Alejandro Cañón先生的说法,IT 服务管理(ITSM)正稳步发展为企业服务管理(ESM),从而为人力资源、营销和IT基础设施管理等业务团队提供更完善的服务。点击阅读,了解更多详情:https://t.cn/A6T1aKWL






【Associate Sales Manager/ Sales Executive】岗位职责

1. Managing key retailers’ business. Drive business growth in customers via different methods: e.g. item selection, eye-catching display in customers stores, leveraging customer end marketing resource to promote Jellycat.

2. Collect and analyze key retailers POS data to find business opportunities in customers.

3. Keep strong relationship with key retailers’ buyers and logistic team. Updated the latest marketing information of Jellycat to customer.

4. Monitor and whip customer stores to 100% execute the guideline which we aligned with customers HQ.

5. Maintain the daily communication window with individual retailers (Wechat, sales email & hotline). Responsible to answer the customers’ concern on OMS, certification, and quality issues.

6. Cooperate with sales operation team to fulfill customers growing demand in Jellycat. Help the team to arrange customers order phasing to avoid out of stock in customer stores. Meanwhile, collecting the market feedback from customer to improve the next purchasing from factory.

7. Supporting Sales manager to develop new customers in both retail channels. It includes but not limited in channel data collection, best cases sharing and supporting document preparation.

8. Cooperate with QC team to manage faulty items recording and reporting. Taking related actions to solve customers’ concern with the instruction from line manager.

9. Support trade show in both preparation and activity period. Support National Sales Director to develop customers.

10. Cooperate with Customer Service team to provide excellent service to shoppers.

【IT Operation】岗位职责

1. The purpose of this role is to provide the business with an internal customer facing technical lead and point of escalation, working closely with a third-party IT service desk.

2. To support the business as a technical point of contact, and supplier coordinator in business change projects with an IT infrastructure, service or change requirements.

3. To perform daily checks and mandatory tasks such as infrastructure monitoring, backup consistency and critical services.

4. ITIL Problem management, analyzing trends through the service desk and proposing corrective actions.

5. Design authority for IT infrastructure, including definition of hardware & software imaging, configuration, deployment, migrations and maintenance & support.

6. Implement related work of the team and accept other temporary work assigned by line manager.

【IT Operation】岗位要求

1. Bachelor's or above degree in computer science. Minimum of two years’ experience administering Ali Cloud/ Microsoft Azure.

2. Fluent English skill, especially in reading and writing. Korean proficiency is preferred.

3. Proven experience with a Wintel environment an advantage.

4. Proven Experience with Business systems Microsoft Dynamics an advantage.

5. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, comfortable interacting with users at all levels within the business.

6. Strong proponent for documentation of solutions and knowledge transfer to the wide team.

7. Exposure to Wholesale/EC and Warehousing businesses a strong advantage.

【eCommerce Operation Assistant】岗位职责

1. Liaise with the internal and external team to ensure smooth operation of our online stores.

2. Identify and resolve issues on stock and logistic services according to operate ERP system.

3. Control inventory to ensure sufficient inventory according to operate the ERP system.

4. Assist in organizing and summarizing the demand planning.

5. Assist in answering to upgrade customer service issues through internal and external communication.

6. Provide support to the line manager and wider eCommerce team as required.

【eCommerce Operation Assistant】岗位要求

1. Fluent in Mandarin and English.Minimum of 2 years of experience in China eCommerce sector.

2. Advanced knowledge of the platform backend on TMall.

3. Knowledge of SAP or others ERP system.
4. Knowledge of operation on JD and Little Red Book.

5. Experience in soft toy or luxury sectors.
6. Excellent oral and written communication skills.

7. Results-oriented with strong analytical skills.

8. Strong attention to detail.

9. Excellent time management skills.

10. Collaborative teamplayer.

【eCommerce Tmall Assistant】岗位职责

1. Liaise with the internal and external team to ensure smooth operation of our Tmall domestic and Tmall global flagship stores.

2. coordinate with internal and external teams to manage the product structure and product line of the store, ensuring sufficient product inventory and fast inventory turnover in stores. Responsible for new product launch and related work.

3. Liaise with Alibaba team and strive for platform resource. Coordinate with TP teams to implement marketing activities.

4. Follow up on the plan and KPI of paid marketing in different stores,monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of paid marketing. coordinate with TP teams to optimize and adjust the paid marketing plan.

5. Assist with data statistics and analysis as required.

6. Assist with the stock replenishment for the bonded warehouse of our Tmall global store.

7. Provide support to the line manager and wider eCommerce team as required.

【eCommerce Tmall Assistant】岗位要求

1. Fluent in Mandarin and English.

2. Minimum of 2 years of experience in China eCommerce sector.

3. Advanced knowledge of the platform backend on TMall.

4. Knowledge of SAP or others ERP system.
5. Knowledge of operation on JD and Little Red Book.
6. Experience in soft toy or luxury sectors.

7. Excellent oral and written communication skills.

8. Results-oriented with strong analytical skills.

9. Strong attention to detail.

10. Excellent time management skills.

11. Collaborative teamplayer.


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