As early as in the early 15th century, the southern Netherland of Europe, Flanders, now belonging to Belgium and France, has appeared lace traces, across a long period of time, originated in the aristocracy lace from the upper class fashion items gradually to the public, as a "flowing soft sculpture", lace through the fabrics, shapes and colours of the three basic elements to convey a three-dimensional form of spatial correlation. As a "flowing soft sculpture", lace conveys a three-dimensional spatial association through the three basic elements of fabric, shape and colour. Coupled with the light and shadow effect presented by the interweaving of lace fabrics and vines, it will produce a strong dynamic beauty. As a "flowing soft sculpture", lace, through the three major aspects of fabrics, shapes and colours, and the combination of new textures and light and shadow effects, has given lace a new vitality, standing in contemporary art with a brand-new attitude.

Yixuan fashion season: early summer essential, beautiful dress waiting for you to pick!
# Fashion Season # Little fairies, summer is coming! Do you feel that the wardrobe is missing a flowing dress? Yi Xuan clothing store has carefully selected a series of beautiful dresses for everyone, guaranteed to make you beautiful in the summer to new heights!

The material is light and breathable, comfortable to wear and not sultry.
The design is elegant and generous, whether it is a holiday or everyday wear, it can be easily handled.
Rich and varied colors, there is always a suitable for your skin tone and temperament.

What are you waiting for? Come to Yixuan clothing store to choose your exclusive dress! Remember to pay attention to our micro-blog, there are more fashion information and promotions waiting for you to find out!

Click on the link to go direct to Yixuan Clothing Store: [link placeholder]

Forward + comment, share your summer outfit tips, and get a chance to win a secret gift from us! Come and get involved!

It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time. And so she ran from the path into the wood to look for flowers. And whenever she had picked one, she fancied that she saw a still prettier one farther on, and ran after it, and so got deeper and deeper into the wood.

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