training diary)

p1: 【帕梅拉 - 12分钟劈叉拉伸| 基础到进阶 深度拉伸 提高髋部灵活性 (Pamela Reif Ofiicial)-哔哩哔哩】

p2: stretch hips, 60 seconds*5.

p3: child's pose, 30 seconds.

p4: cobra pose, 30 seconds*2.

p5: glutes, for 30 times*3, with band.
glutes, each side for 30 times, with band.

p6: work out inner thighs, 30 times*3.

p7: 【10分钟矫正小腿外翻,get直长腿,亲测一周见效!【韩小四April】-哔哩哔哩】

p8: work out winging scapula, 20 times*4, with band.

p9: work out back, 20 times*2, with band.

p10: sit on toes, 60 times.

p11: side lunge, each side for 50 times.

i'm feeling so sleepy this afternoon, and actually i don't feel that i was able to do training today, but my body is fine, i mean no pain or extremely sore, and i've rested yesterday, so i think i would do something gentle, but well, they are not that gentle~

and i sweated a lot, because the weather is hot, that helps me with sweating much and that's good~
hahahah [哈哈][good]

so far?
then good night and love~

240509 lofficielsingapore IG
“My first solo tour — it’s been even better than I imagined. I’m having the time of my life, honestly. I’m having a lot of fun with all of my team, and every moment is a blast, but if I had to pick one thing, it’s definitely the food. I’ve been trying all sorts of delicacies around the world. It’s not just about eating — it’s about immersing myself in the culture and learning more about each one, you know?” says @ lofficielsingapore’s May issue cover star, @ bambam1a. The South Korea-based Thai artist isn’t showing any signs of slowing down, promising that “this year, new music is definitely on the horizon”.

Happy belated birthday, BamBam! @ bambam1a, @ lofficielsingapore’s May issue cover star, says: “I feel like I’ve finally found myself. I’ve discovered my true colour of music style and everything just seems to click now. From this point on, I believe you’ll see the best version of me because I’m no longer trying to figure things out. I’ve found clarity, and now you’ll see the true essence of who I am in everything I do — my personality, my fashion, my work, my shows, my music, my albums, everything. So, moving forward, I hope people will recognise and know that, oh, this is BamBam’s style.”

庖丁解牛Pao Ding dissecting oxen

Pao Ding was a chef who was exceptionally skilled at dissecting oxen.

One day, King Liang Hui went to watch Pao Ding dissect an ox. He saw Pao Ding's hands and knife moving swiftly on the ox, with incredibly skilled movements.

Pao Ding's knife danced between the ox's tendons and bones, making a rhythmic sound, almost like playing music. Before long, the ox was dissected cleanly.

King Liang Hui was amazed and asked Pao Ding, "How did you become so skilled?"

Pao Ding replied, "When I first started dissecting oxen, all I saw was a whole ox. But as I dissected more oxen, I became very familiar with the structure of their bodies. I no longer need to look with my eyes; I can feel where the tendons and muscles are. Now, when I dissect an ox, I don't need to rely on sight anymore; I can do it purely by feeling."

This story tells us that to excel at something, we need to understand the laws behind it and practice repeatedly until we master it.


有一天,梁惠王去看庖丁解剖牛,只见Pao Ding的手和刀在牛身上挥舞,动作十分熟练。

Pao Ding的刀在牛的筋骨之间游走,发出哗哗的声音,就像是在演奏音乐一样。

不一会儿,牛就被Pao Ding解剖得干干净净。

梁惠王看了非常惊讶,问Pao Ding:“你的技术怎么这么好呀?”

Pao Ding回答说:“我刚开始解剖牛的时候,看到的是整头牛。




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