还有一组蓝色包包的、、、(减价店)也没钱买的~~ 上组是已入的、、、因为今天是爸爸花钱~~ 所以都买的蓝色 易咪咪他们付钱了 我就可以多做一些红色的内容 爱妈妈咪~~

And I also took some pictures for the bags I saw at the discounted store that I don’t even have the money for ,,, thought I could get sooo many cute things if I’m funded ,,, and also the housing people call me for my government apartment for an update just now ,,, I got approved from the government section but they still need more signatures for the property management which I have to get papers for tmr and also go in on Monday to sign more things,,, the housing won’t be available until mid June so hopefully I could be happily paid and moved into my nice Airbnb ,,, which I saw Brian out earlier ,,, also Mr. Gates out today !!! Yayyy and finally Mr. Bezos didn’t cat me with Amazon today ,,, hope I’m able to take care more of y’all today yayyy thank you !!!! Can’t wait to showcase more of the real world’s best luxury and finest things !!! But I love you everything blueeeeeee thank you again for taking me shopping today my grand daddy !!! Love love loveeeee


分享今天在减价店150块买的东西、、我全都买的蓝色的 哈哈啊哈 因为是政府社工花钱 我就买的都是蓝色的 讨爸爸开心 爱妈妈咪~~ 等易咪咪 他们付钱了 我也可以多买红色的~~ 今天是爸爸这边儿免费送的 我挑 就都挑蓝色的了~~ 爱妈妈咪 爱妈妈咪~~

Okayyy sharing what I got from the discounted store,,, I bought everything blue you bet cause the 150 dollars is from the government department program just like food stamp and the senior apartment are all government subsidized so I gotta buy it for the blue since the government’s paying for it ,,, how do you like it to kiss some nice ass for my sassy blue grand daddy ,,, I’m very happy with the purchases cause everything added up to be just around 150 for my all blue deals ,,, couldn’t be happier I shopped for all blue today to make my daddy happy ,,, I want to talk about the traumatizing topics we talked about today but I’m kinda over it now so don’t want to bring it up just yet but I will later when I have the time ,,, I still haven’t slept yet ,,, I was getting some content ready and checking on some news ,,, and I got one more blue set to show you ,,, so yahh let me know how you guys think about my purchases today ?!?? Pretty good deals today cause these are new ,,, the previous times I always shopped at the thrift store for not that much cheaper but yahh way to kiss some daddy’s ass today and thanks to daddy’s free services for getting me dressed ,,, y’all got dressed by the prettiest brands for the Met Gala ,,, here I got dressed by the government’s fundings to homeless people which is pretty significant for my job ,,, but I hope to show off more of your prettiest thangs later I can’t wait to showcase and feature all your prettiest items and even better wearing them and using them ,,, can’t wait until I’m fully paid so I can shop for anything that I want to love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone ,,, thank you so much again for these

#奇数瑞角[超话]##奇数瑞角 鹿鸣蝶舞 并肩前行##奇数瑞角 天生搭档 绝对实力##奇数瑞角 爱意无解浪漫恒真#

“富士山终究留不住欲落的樱花,就像我一直抵不住对你的热爱。”"After all, Mount Fuji can not keep the cherry blossoms to fall, just like I have not resist the love for you.”

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