Huizhou Heritage Shining in Chinese History

Following my visit to Mount Huangshan, I immediately made my way to three famous Huizhou ancient villages and an Huizhou Ancient City, which is renowned as one of the Four Great Ancient Cities in China.
1. Huizhou Ancient Villages
The three ancient villages, named Hongcun, Xidi and Chengkan, are located at the foot of Mount Huangshan, and famous for their typical Huizhou-style culture, attracting tens of thousands of tourists each day regardless of holidays. In particular, two villages out of the three, Hongcun and Xidi, were added to the World Heritage List sites in 2000 for their outstanding preservation of ancient architecture. However, when sorting these villages into popularity order, you will find out that the eldest village is little-known in contrast to the other two famed ones which were once far from the center of culture in history. I think it may be the charm of history that nothing is permanently thriving, just like nothing is permanently in silence. Although each village has its own name, their internal souls are common, which is Huizhou Culture.
During the lengthy Chinese history of almost 2000 years, literati and their families, who once lived in the Central Plains in China, had to migrate in large scales to the south three times and then settled down in mountainous regions due to the relentless civil wars. Mount Huangshan was the best destination for them. Therefore, many villages, planned and built by these migrants on the basis of clans, were dotted at the foot of Mount Huangshan. As a result, famous Huizhou-style architecture was born, featuring white walls, dark tiles and layered horse-head gables which are said to prevent house fires from further expanding to neighbors. Looking at the village from a distance, I felt like enjoying the beautiful Chinese ink painting that I had never seen before. The picturesque scenery is well-balanced, harmonious and serene, to the extent that I even felt I was redundant when taking a selfie with the background of Hongcun village. It is attributed to the ancestors’ wisdom in village location, overall layout, architecture design, and artistic decoration. Besides the instinctive gables, sculptures of tile, stone and wood in every building are elaborate in detail and showcased a high level of craftsmanship. Another feature of the village is a magnificent ancestral hall, where clans would gather to make sacrifices to their ancestors and discuss important issues. Villages were basicly self-managed on the basis of clan system which was formed by kinship, advocating education and Confucianism. As they perceived an official in court or a wealthy merchant as a successful career, their descendants rightly leveraged their political power or wealth, gained in successful careers, into the village education and infrastructure improvement, which formed a positive circle to promoting the development of Huizhou culture.
Generally speaking, Huizhou culture is a result of Chinese history evolution, with special geological environments being the basis for growth, literati’s migration being impetus, Huizhou merchants’ rise being financial power, active education systems and clan culture being the spiritual support. Each village was a miniature of the culture with its own signature and legacy.
2. Huizhou Ancient City
Huizhou Ancient City was once the largest trade center in salt, tea and wood, with bustling Huzhou merchants who became eminent at the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) for morality and honesty. Ancient Huizhou people had to leave their hometown to make a living at 13 or 14 years old due to the shortage of food, which cultivated their precious characters of resilience, honesty and hard work. Meanwhile, they promoted the rapid development of Huizhou culture with their fortune. The four treasures of study in Chinese calligraphy, referring to Chinese brush, ink stick, paper and ink slab, originated in Huizhou. Xin’an philosophy, the new school of Confucianism, affects Chinese people’s values to this day and was named after Xin’an River, the branch of the Huizhou river system. Huangshan school of painting inaugurated a new era in Chinese ink painting, not to mention Huizhou-style architecture, Huizhou-style opera, the precursor of Peking opera. All of these have deeply influenced Chinese economy, culture, art and philosophy until today.
Wandering around the ancient city, I felt very close to it. Maybe its essence has already been implanted in my mind through Chinese culture from generation to generation.
I think the most striking feature of Huizhou culture is innovation and breakthroughs. Just like the quality of Huangshan Pines, once seeds meet suitable soil, life begins to grow and show its strength and energy from the distant unknown , which I call the beauty of life.
I cherish the memory of Mount Huangshan and Huizhou Culture.

Brand-new World

In the world without you to company,
None of my wishes turned into real.
Hit by the knife-like rain in agony,
I swear to protect your heart in hard seal.

Except you, I need nothing to behold,
Most of the scars are not worth attention.
I am short in hope but still pray in bold.
We will seek the future of extension.

In the case of avoiding a loud crowd,
I want this poem to be your shelter.
Under those mischievous deceiving cloud,
To you, my answer will never welter.

Pain and gain, a brand-new world you gave me,
Only you can set me fearlessly free.


Congrats on your marriage.




Clam down


And both of them will be a special gift to each other.

(The messages I spoke to her today were spoken from my heart, from my thoughts.) [微笑]

The evening celebration and the After Party. Have fun.

I travel home. ( 1:35 p.m.) / Friday weekend Traffic is definitely congested. (Two and a half hours would have taken longer.)

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