Yesterday marked a significant milestone as VinCSS and 犬安科技(GoGoByte) leaders came together to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership aims to propel the development and implementation of cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions for the electric vehicle (EV) market across China, Vietnam, and beyond.

Both companies share a visionary goal to set new standards in automotive security. By leveraging each other’s strengths, VinCSS and GoGoByte are poised to offer innovative security products and solutions both domestically and internationally.

Jun LI, CEO of GoGoByte, shared, "VinCSS brings invaluable practical experience from an OEM's perspective. This collaboration will enhance our service offerings to customers and also serve as a pivotal link between the Chinese and Vietnamese automotive security industries."

#Cybersecurity ## EV##Partnership #Innovation#网联汽车安全##车联网##MoU #AutomotiveCybersecurity #VinCSS #GoGoByte #北京·北京犬安科技有限公司[地点]#




原文:Th­o­u­gh the ma­t­h­e­m­a­t­i­c­al ca­l­c­u­l­a­t­i­o­ns re­q­u­i­r­ed to ev­a­l­u­a­te eq­u­i­t­i­es are not di­f­f­i­c­u­lt, an an­a­l­y­st—ev­en one who is ex­p­e­r­i­e­n­c­ed and in­t­e­l­l­i­g­e­nt—can ea­s­i­ly go wr­o­ng in es­t­i­m­a­t­i­ng fu­t­u­re “co­u­p­o­ns.” At Be­r­k­s­h­i­re, we at­t­e­m­pt to de­al wi­th th­is pr­o­b­l­em in two wa­ys. Fi­r­st, we try to st­i­ck to bu­s­i­n­e­s­s­es we be­l­i­e­ve we un­d­e­r­s­t­a­nd. Th­at me­a­ns th­ey mu­st be re­l­a­t­i­v­e­ly si­m­p­le and st­a­b­le in ch­a­r­a­c­t­er. If a bu­s­i­n­e­ss is co­m­p­l­ex or su­b­j­e­ct to co­n­s­t­a­nt ch­a­n­ge, we’re not sm­a­rt en­o­u­gh to pr­e­d­i­ct fu­t­u­re ca­sh fl­o­ws. In­c­i­d­e­n­t­a­l­ly, th­at sh­o­r­t­c­o­m­i­ng do­e­sn’t bo­t­h­er us. Wh­at co­u­n­ts for mo­st pe­o­p­le in in­v­e­s­t­i­ng is not how mu­ch th­ey kn­ow, but ra­t­h­er how re­a­l­i­s­t­i­c­a­l­ly th­ey de­f­i­ne wh­at th­ey don’t kn­ow. An in­v­e­s­t­or ne­e­ds to do ve­ry few th­i­n­gs ri­g­ht as lo­ng as he or she av­o­i­ds big mi­s­t­a­k­es.

Se­c­o­nd, and eq­u­a­l­ly im­p­o­r­t­a­nt, we in­s­i­st on a ma­r­g­in of sa­f­e­ty in our pu­r­c­h­a­se pr­i­ce. If we ca­l­c­u­l­a­te the va­l­ue of a co­m­m­on st­o­ck to be on­ly sl­i­g­h­t­ly hi­g­h­er th­an its pr­i­ce, we’re not in­t­e­r­e­s­t­ed in bu­y­i­ng. We be­l­i­e­ve th­is ma­r­g­in-of-sa­f­e­ty pr­i­n­c­i­p­le, so st­r­o­n­g­ly em­p­h­a­s­i­z­ed by Ben Gr­a­h­am, to be the co­r­n­e­r­s­t­o­ne of in­v­e­s­t­m­e­nt su­c­c­e­ss.




Tesla is reportedly cutting more than 10% of its global staff of 140,000.
The cuts for the company, which had nearly doubled its overall headcount since the end of 2020, is just the latest example of the effects of more competition and softer demand in the electric car sector.
An email that CEO Elon Musk sent to staff over the weekend attributed the planned job cuts to the need for "cost reductions and increasing productivity," according to a report from Reuters. It did not mention anything about the slowdown in demand for electric vehicles or about Tesla sales.
"We have done a throrough review of the organization and made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by more than 10% globally," he wrote in the email to Tesla employees.
On Monday, Musk posted on X: "About every 5 years, we need to reorganize and streamline the company for the next phase of growth," responding to posts reacting to the layoffs and the departure of two high ranking Tesla executives, Drew Baglino and Rohan Patel.
Tesla just reported a year-over-year decline in sales in the first three months of this year, its first such drop since the height of the pandemic four years ago. In the fourth quarter Tesla briefly lost its title for the leader in global EV sales to Chinese automaker BYD. It recaptured the EV sales title from BYD in the first quarter, despite the drop in sales.
This is not the first time that Tesla has cut staff. It announced a 7% cut in staff in 2019. And in trimmed about 10% of salaried staff even as it continued to hire hourly staff in 2022. Those 2022 cuts were confirmed by a public statement from Musk at that time.
Shares of Tesla, which were already down 31% so far this year through Friday's close, fell another 3% in early trading Monday on the job cut report.

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