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UltimaFes I arrived at around the starting time but I don't really remember anything before あすか. I was surprised she did mainly anisong, but the setlist was high energy and her voice was powerful so I enjoyed it.

Afterwards was 7SINS, there was a larger audience but I felt that just as I had reached peak excitement the performance had ended 透明教室 was afterward and I lost track of time and had to rush to 7S cheki. Maybe if I had lined up earlier I could have queued for another round [伤心]

During cheki I could not seem to overcome the feeling that it was the last meeting. My voice was tired and it was so noisy in the cheki location so I struggled a bit to talk or have anything to speak about in such a state of mind and finished cheki feeling kind of empty.

Afterwards we went to get kebabs and by the time I entered the livehouse for the last live I was feeling good once again [微笑]

The venue decoration was the first thing which I noticed earlier in the day and was so elegant [ok] The setlist started off going all in and didn't seem to stop. It was my first time experiencing a bandset and I enjoyed the much more raw feel. I'm not so familiar with the the newer ultima originals but experiencing them all sequentially was an excellent experience for their final send off.

The strongest memory was undoubtedly the acoustic 绝叫Emotion with everyones repos flashing by, I may have even started to tear up just a little myself. Although I could not understand the text or member's speeches I could feel how much this moment meant to everyone there.

The meaning of the final live is different for me to everyone else I think. They are not really being a part of my life apart from when I come to travel. Yet I still think of them as a special group amongst all the others in China.

My impression is that they were the group to pioneer the Chika idol scene in China and the first group many ota followed. To me they were the first glimpse I got into the Chinese chika idol scene when I was sent me a video of 绝叫Emotion. The video was mainly focused on ota playing lol but I was impressed by how much I enjoyed the song and how much fun everyone had under their stage. This was what first sparked my interest in coming to experience it for myself.

Ultima has directly and indirectly brought me many great memories in enjoying their top tier performance and original songs, playing under their stage and meeting wonderful people. I was even fortunate enough to experience one of their expeditions to Nagoya.

To me the ending feeling is not one of sadness and missing them but maybe more one of gratitude for being able to experience such a group and for the wonderful memories they have given to me.

I've also enjoyed seeing other peoples repos with memories and old pictures of ultima and getting some insight into the journey over the years.

Once again ota were kind to bring me along to dinner. We filmed a short video to MYPΛCIST, rode bikes and then ate delicious spicy food.

Paralegal says he identified incoming call to Cohen's phone at same time recording ended
Paralegal Jaden Jarmel-Schneider said he identified an incoming call to Michael Cohen's phone at the same time that his recording ended.
For context: Prosecutors have said that Cohen's recording of his conversation with Doanld Trump about the Karen McDougal payment was cut off by an incoming call. Trump attorney Emil Bove on cross-examination of the computer forensics expert from the district attorney's office suggested that there was no incoming call.

针织趋势预测设计元素Soft Sculpture软雕塑


JW Anderson尝试将一些针织材质结合不同硬度的材料,令服装呈现出独特而又极具趣味性的造型,将服装作为软雕塑艺术的创作媒介,探索针织设计的多重可能,这也是对流行趋势「Open-Ended」的另一种解读与演绎

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