The rain was heavy, seeking shelter under the eaves. I overheard an old lady chatting: "My phone broke, so my grandson bought me a new one. Now I'm addicted to playing with it, laughing foolishly at the phone all day. I used to say my grandson was silly for playing games, but now, there are two silly people at home." I struggled to hold back my laughter. On a rainy morning, meeting lovely people always brightens mood.

Yukihiro Takahashi wearing Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME, Spring/Summer 1996.

Promoting the upcoming release of his friend's new menswear collection, legendary musician Yukihiro Takahashi took part in this editorial featured in Japanese men's fashion magazine MR. High Fashion. He can be seen wearing—before they were even released—some of the most iconic pieces from Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME, Spring/Summer 1996, such as a peony shirt and a cutout blazer, as well as an outfit specially made by the designer for Takahashi's FATE OF GOLD album cover. The rest came from Yohji Yamamoto D'URBAN A.A.R and from the musician's own clothing brand.

In this editorial published in October 1995, Takahashi is described as follows:

Born in Tokyo on June 6, 1952. He has been active as a professional drummer since he was a high school student. After working with the Sadistic Mika Band and the Sadistics, he joined Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) in 1978. In addition to his solo activities, he formed a band called the Beatniks with Keiichi Suzuki of the Moonriders, and supervised and produced music for Yohji Yamamoto's Paris show. In the spring of 1993, YMO reunited. They released the album Technodon and gave only two concerts at the Tokyo Dome. After producing the music for Makoto Shiina's The Legend of the Sea, Sky and Coral, he started his own label, Consipio Records. In addition to hits by Michael Nyman, Naoto Takenaka, and others, the Beatniks are scheduled to release an album containing music for Yohji Yamamoto's Spring/Summer 1996 Paris show, which has been a long time in the making. His new album FATE OF GOLD (Toshiba EMI) was released on October 25, the same day this issue of the magazine went on sale. In addition to his musical activities, he designs ties and knitwear for his own brand, currently busy having two irons in the fire. On November 20 and 21, he will give concerts at Wel City Tokyo in Shinjuku

n. a person who goes with another 同伴,伙伴

n. the state of being friends 友情,友谊

n. 1. a card game for four players 桥牌
2. a thing that is built over a road or river so that people, trains or cars can cross it 桥
vt. fill the space between two people, groups or things 缩短差距; 连接

vi. do sth. to see what will happen or if sth. is true 做实验

n. 1. a painted picture 油画;水彩画
2. the act of painting pictures or buildings 绘画; 刷油漆

n. sth. that one doesn't want and throws away 垃圾,废物

a. having a great liking or love 喜欢的,喜爱的

Phrases And Expressions

in the way
to some degree; in one thing

on the shore of

put on
1. wear; dress 戴上; 穿上
2. begin to gain weight 增加体重
3. present on stage 上演

meet one's needs
satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需求

in the future
in the time to come 将来

ahead of
1. in front of 在……前面
2. doing better than 超过,优于

turn on
make sth. work 打开; 开启 https://t.cn/A67Y4mHP

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